The month of January will be synonymous with happiness and success for 3 signs of the zodiac. Despite the double retrograde of Mercury and Mars, the placement of these celestial bodies will affect the representatives of these constellations in a positive way. But not that, thanks to the entry of the Sun in Aquarius, the natives concerned will be very lucky.
Which zodiac signs will be lucky in January?
According to the placements of the stars in the night sky, three zodiac signs will be lucky during the month of January. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20 and marks the start of this Air sign’s season. Visionary, this astral movement gives birth to new ideas and allows you to see things from a different angle. Also, the end of the retrograde of Mercury and Mars, from January 12 and January 19, will bring them great luck. They will finally be able to decompress at the start of the year.
The Aries will be very happy during this beginning of the year. The stars are on their side and allow them to start 2023 on a good footing. Indeed, as soon as Mars, their ruling planet, completes its retrogradation in the sign of Gemini, it will be very beneficial to them. Despite a rather difficult start to the month for some natives of this Fire sign, they will still manage to overcome all the pain and resentment that can take place during this period. The Sun in Aquarius will push them out of their comfort zone and they will emerge much stronger. From then on, a new world will open up to the representatives of this Fire sign and they will experience moments of joy and happiness throughout the month of January. The natives of Aries can finally reassure themselves, they will be able to accomplish everything they want! To do this, there’s nothing like taking action and putting the plan in place to achieve your wildest goals. In any case, the stars advise you to get to work.
Gemini may feel lonely during this month of January, despite the large number of people around them. This impression can be influenced by the double retrograde of Mars and Mercury until January 19th. After this period of slowing down, the natives of this Air sign will finally notice that all their loved ones are present at their side and accompany them on a daily basis. They will soon realize that there is nothing more important than family and friends. They are also the only people who will always be there no matter what difficult circumstances they may face. Gemini should not hesitate to ask them for help if needed, because they will not hesitate to reach out to them. They must also put things into perspective even if they have not yet achieved all their objectives. This new year will allow them to realize other dreams that they could not accomplish during the year 2022. It’s never too late in life, is it?
The natives of Sagittarius will also be very lucky during this month of January. They will fulfill all their deepest desires and will be very happy. Even if some think that they will not be able to succeed in certain projects, they will still surprise more than one, thanks to the achievements and all the things that they will manage to accomplish. If at the professional level, everything is going wonderfully for these natives of the element of Fire, they have nothing to fear either with regard to their personal life; their romantic relationships could become a real success and they could commit more to their relationship. Moreover, they might even think about starting a family with their partner. This commitment will lead to many changes in the lives of people born under this constellation, who usually value their freedom. It is up to them to find a new balance between their professional and personal life. But they won’t have to worry, because everything will work out for them during this month of January. They will have no trouble highlighting their social status or making new acquaintances. Their circle of friends will be wider and they could create new professional partnerships thanks to these changes. To continue to live in joy and fulfillment, the stars advise them to set up a routine in their relationship.
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