Destinations Magazine

Advice To Your Twenty-Year Old Self

By Awanderingphoto

“He never realized that people are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”

Besides inspiring people of all ages to travel, dream, and live their life to the fullest, this trip had made me especially intent on getting other youngsters to begin living the life they imagine for themselves now, rather than simply following the steps they feel society had laid out for them while pushing their dreams from later to never. After receiving countless emails from people of all ages telling me how lucky I am to have followed my passions at such a young age rather than in my thirties, fifties, or even never, I feel it’s my duty to help other young adults pursue the life they dream of as I have pursued mine.

Which leads me to ask this question: What advice would you give to your twenty-year old self?

While traveling through India last year a fellow traveler and friend helped me come up with a list of ideas that I could write about on this blog. As the question has now sat unanswered in my notes for nearly a year, I figure it is time to get some answers. So what advice would you give, knowing what you know now, to your twenty-year old self? I know what advice I would give, but being that age myself, I don’t have the beauty of retrospect or time that many of you will. So help me out by sending your answers to me via email or simply by leaving a comment on this post so that in time, I can collect enough ideas from my own experiences as well as from yours to help give other twenty-year olds the boost they need to live their life to the fullest.

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