Books Magazine

#AdventuresofaDwergishGirl by @DanielPinkwater

By Pamelascott

Molly O'Malley is a clever, adventurous girl. She is also a Dwerg. Dwergs are strange folks who live very quietly in the Catskill Mountains, have lots of gold, and are kind of like dwarves (but also not!).

#AdventuresofaDwergishGirl by @DanielPinkwater

Molly isn't interested in cooking and weaving, as she is expected to be. So, she sets off to see the world for herself. Which means a new job, a trip to New York City, prowling gangsters, an adorable king, a city witch, and many historical ghosts. More importantly, it means excellent pizza, new friends, and very quick thinking.

Now someone is pursuing the Dwergs for their gold. Can Molly O'Malley save the day?


THERE ARE PLACES in the Catskill Mountains you cannot find. 1


(@TachyonPub, 25 September 2020, 192 pages, ebook, #ARC from the publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed)



I just knew I was going to love this book as soon as I read the blurb. It sounded like such fun. It was. I thought it was going to be aimed at a younger audience, maybe middle grade but I think it would suit a slightly higher age-group. I loved this book. I had a lot of fun reading it. The history of Molly and Dwergs was a lot of fun and very entertaining. Molly is a great character, well fleshed out and I liked how she develops across the book. I thought this was a great book. I need to read more of this author's work.

#AdventuresofaDwergishGirl by @DanielPinkwater

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