1-you can go without jewelry and shoes and no one really cares
2-you can work during the day or night at whatever time works for your schedule or short commute
3-you can take potty breaks whenever you want
4-you can multi-task without anyone really seeing you do it
5-you can play music while you work and not bother anyone
6-you can stretch your back on the floor after sitting for so long at the computer at your leisure
7-your walk to the cafeteria (your kitchen) is much shorter
8-you can squeeze in an exercise when it suits your agenda that day
9-you can take quick breaks with your family and eat meals together
10-you can pull an old, comfy dress from the closet and wear it as workwear

1-you miss seeing everyone so damn much.
I have a million and one things to accomplish today, but I just wanted to check on everyone’s mental state. I’m trying to stay positive…we are rolling into the last two weeks of the semester, and everything’s kicked up a notch. Meetings, grading, assignments, test creation, and finishing writing my syllabus for the graduate course I’m teaching starting May 18. But remember…remember…it’s very important to smile through it all.
Happy Friday and be well, all.
Stephanie Verni is Professor of Communication at Stevenson University. She is the author of 5 works of fiction and the co-author of one academic textbook on Event Planning. Her character-driven books are set in beautiful Maryland locations and examine the realities of the human heart. Connect with her on Instagram at stephanie.verni or on Twitter at @stephverni. Or, visit her Amazon page at Stephanie Verni, Author.