With great sadness we share the news that our good friend and colleague Adrian Andrews, Ade, has passed away after a sudden illness surrounded by his loving wife Elizabeth and family. He will be sorely missed by all the team here at Dalzells and will forever be in our memories.
Ade was hugely respected by all. A calm fatherly figure with a soothing voice and a twinkle in his eye, his engaging smile would always come with a good craic and a yarn. You always left his presence in good form. A grafter by nature, he cherished the mutual banter and camaraderie of his closest friends in stores and deliveries. It was a marker of the man that he was often sought out by many a trade and retail customer for a chat about the Darts, Man City, news from Newtownhamilton or an order for one of his very fine Blackthorn Sticks – he was excellent company.
Above all Ade was a devoted husband and hugely proud father and grandfather, he talked of them often and their latest accomplishments. Our prayers and sincerest condolences.
In loving memory, from all at Dalzells.