
Adopt Me Ocean Egg – Pets, Chances, Shark & Octopus

Posted on the 22 April 2021 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 22 April, 2021

Adopt Me Ocean Egg – Egg Cost, Pet rarity chances, Pets included and also each pet individual chances or how many eggs you need to get every pet

Adopt Me Ocean Egg – Basic Info

The Ocean Egg is a new limited legendary egg, released on April 16, 2021

Cost: $750

There are 8 possible pets and these are the pet rarity chances:

  • Common: 20%
  • Uncommon: 35%
  • Rare: 30%
  • Ultra Rare: 10%
  • Legendary: 5%

Location: In the Gumball machine in the Nursery (you can also obtain it through trading)

You can also compare it with other Adopt Me Eggs > Here

Adopt Me Ocean Egg – Pets

As we have told you there are 8 possible pets, these are their rarities and also their chances:

  • Stinggray – Common > hatching chance 20% > 1 each 5 eggs
  • Crab – Uncommon > hatching chance 17,5% > 1 each 6 eggs
  • Dolphin – Uncommon > hatching chance 17,5% > 1 each 6 eggs
  • Narwhal – Rare > hatching chance 15% > 1 each 6 eggs
  • Seahorse – Rare > hatching chance 15% > 1 each 6 eggs
  • Clownfish – Ultra-Rare > hatching chance 10% > 1 each 10 eggs
  • Octopus – Legendary > hatching chance 2,5% > 1 each 40 eggs
  • Shark – Legendary > hatching chance 2,5% > 1 each 40 eggs

As you can see, the Ocean egg has the highest chance of hatching a legendary pet out of all the other Gumball Machine eggs, well same as the Fossil Egg.

Chances of each pet are based on the official chances of each pet rarity divided into the number of pets of this rarity. Wich means that all the pets of the same rarity have the same chances. If you for example want a shark, you have a 5% chance of a legendary pet, but there are two legendaries, so 5% divided into 2 = 2,5%

If you want to unlock every new ocean pet you will need 40 to 60 eggs, or $30,000 to $45,000

You can also check all the Adopt Me Pets > Here

Video Guide – Opening 100 Ocean Eggs

If you still have any doubt or want to check how this new ocean egg works, here in this video, MeganPlays opens 100 ocean eggs (35,000 robux). Would it be enough to unlock the legendaries (the shark and the octopus)?

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