Fashion Magazine

Adidas Originals

By Masfashion

You know that saying, everything that was once cool comes back? I had a premonition two and a half years ago original Adidas were going to make a comeback. And I should have listened to my  inner voice then because now they have! I have been wanting a pair for a while now and have been going back-and-forth and back-and-forth on which colors I want, do I customize, do I go super classic with black and white, ect. I mean, enough questions to make even the sanest person feel crazy. It isn’t even that they are an investment (coming in around $40-$130) I just can’t seem to decide if I would wear them all that much. But I am pretty sure I would find a way so these are all just lame excuses!

The thing about me is that my inner voice is always spot on. This year I am making a major effort to listen to it and really do what it says. That inner voice is your intuition and it most of the time has your best interest at heart. For example, telling me something was going to be cool years before it actually was. Okay, super bad example but for all intents and purposes just go with it. So instead of going “with” the crowd, I could have been the “first” of the crowd. Uhg, lesson learned! I still think I am going to grab a pair of these because, I mean, look how badass they are with pretty much any outfit but damn why am I so late to the game! Oh well, sometimes you just have to suck it up and take the plunge! Now, what color to get…

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Adidas Originals
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gallery images via camille over the rainbow, who what wear, blog and the city, the sartorialist, haute pursuit, kenza, victoria tornegren

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