A couple of nights ago now I turned my TV on and The Flintstones was on with John Goodman as Fred, this was a film I can remember a little from my childhood and when it was first released. It them made me think about other actors that I see from these "kids" films and at the time had no idea that some of these were Oscar nominees or winners and even catching up with their older films I cannot help but remember them from the films that I watched during my younger days!

This is a blog post I have thought about putting together in the past and I have tried to come up with as many actors as possible who I have typecast in what were more family/child aimed films. Feel free to have a think about which actors you still see in this way as well! It is always quite interesting to think about which films you associate with an actor and it is usually the first one you see them in.
Harvey Keitel - Sister Act
Back when I had no idea about Pulp Fiction and the different range of films Keitel was in he was just the horrible boyfriend in Sister Act wanting to have Dolores killed when she sees too much. I guess his role isn't too different from other films he had been in, but the singing nuns? This is one of my favourites from childhood, and I will happily admit that I still love watching it now. Glenn Close - 101 Dalmatians

I had no idea about her bunny boiling past when watching the live action film of 101 Dalmatians and seeing Cruela de Vil being brought to live by Glenn Close. Not forgetting so many other wonderful performances, I still think about her black and white hair! So which actors do you really have linked with a certain film mainly from your childhood which is more of a family style film?