Drink Magazine

Achieving Beervana … Or: The Perfect Beer World Nov. 2012 “The Session”

By Bryan Roth @bryandroth

Achieving Beervana … or: The Perfect Beer World Nov. 2012 “The Session”

For this month’s “Session” blog post, Jorge over at Brew Beer and Drink It has posed the question of the Perfect Beer World. That is, what will bring us closer to creating our ideal state of be(er)ing. See what I did there?

Achieving Beervana … or: The Perfect Beer World Nov. 2012 “The Session”
There are lots of places to start – perhaps world peace would encourage greater brewery collaborations? Saison du BUFF, anyone? But I’m not going to waste my time with such trivial, Kumbaya-like thinking. World peace is a pretty big task when we have a few easy fixes right here at home.

So let’s grab a brew, salute the flag and hit the jump to see how we can create the Perfect Beer World right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A, and maybe get some help from our friends around the globe too.

Achieving Beervana … or: The Perfect Beer World Nov. 2012 “The Session”

“Every journey starts with a first step.”
- Someone smart

1. Make the Great American Beer Festival great again

First thing’s first. If we’re going to make positive changes to the beer scene in America, might as well start with our country’s preeminent beer festival. In the wake of this year’s GABF, Andy Crouch proposed his 10-point plan to improve the festival, which, in his eyes, has lost track of what has made it great. While my experience was a mixed bag – one great night and one startled by projectile vomit – Andy raises some great points.

At the top of his list is incorporating more interaction from brewery owners and brewers themselves, which I wholeheartedly agree with. Other attendees note in the comments of Andy’s blog post that they did catch owners/brewers at the festival, but on a whole my own experience was almost exclusively with yellow-shirted volunteers who poured beer at each table and couldn’t really answer any questions. If part of our goal is to educate the public on the nuances of craft beer, then this change to GABF should be of the utmost importance.

Another of Andy’s points – that the festival should do more to showcase “new” or “small” breweries or brewing regions is important. I felt that the Mountain West and Pacific regions of the festival were very well attended by both breweries and festival-goers. However, I would’ve LOVED to see the opportunity for more North Carolina breweries to show their stuff. During a recent trip to the Mystery Brewing, CEO and head brewer Erik Lars Myers told me that he wanted to go to GABF, but registration was such a wild and mad dash that brewer spots were already snatched up by the time he got online to register – just like it was for those buying tickets. Let’s fix this by expanding the size of GABF to include more of the Denver Convention Center and making it easier for breweries to show up, especially if they want to. The only way we’re going to grow the beer culture is to make sure we’re encouraging everyone and anyone to take part.

Achieving Beervana … or: The Perfect Beer World Nov. 2012 “The Session”

“In case you never get a second chance: don’t be afraid! If you do get a second chance? You take it!”
― C. Joy Bell C.

2. Make distribution easier and broader

No, this doesn’t start with giant, global companies taking over regional beer landmarks. This starts with wishful thinking and a growth of the educated, beer-drinking populace of our country.

In my Perfect Beer World, Chicago’s Goose Island could send Bourbon County Stout – and any other version of it – from Illinois down here to North Carolina. It would also mean Pliny the Elder would pop up at my local beer store instead of being sequestered to the West Coast. New Glarus could taunt me from my fridge instead of only Wisconsin. It could also mean getting my hands on one of my favorite brands from back home in New York – Ithaca Beer’s Apricot Wheat.

Part of the problem we face may be economics, part of it is simply a choice by brewers and businessmen to keep their product locally or regionally. I can’t fault them for that, but I can fault them for making my Real Beer World a little sadder.

That’s why I say to hell with distribution issues – created purposefully or through sheer economics. In the Perfect Beer World, we should all be able to sample the best beers from breweries around the country and world. DESTIHL should be able to ship their amazing sour beers from Florida to France and Iron Hill can send me their much sought-after pumpkin ale. With no distribution barriers we get to enjoy the best beers from top-flight breweries and small up-and-comers alike.

A big bonus to this change – no more scalping beers on eBay, beer’s Black Market.

Achieving Beervana … or: The Perfect Beer World Nov. 2012 “The Session”

“Three. Oooo. It’s the magic number. Yes it is.”
- Childhood

3. No more limited releases, but in a good way

Who wouldn’t love a fresh Hopslam in the middle of July? Someone who isn’t living in the Perfect Beer World, that’s for sure.

Whether it’s Bell’s hopbomb or The Bruery’s Black Tuesday or Foothills Sexual Chocolate, these are beers that are rare and in-demand. I’m fine spending the extra money to enjoy a beer of such high quality, but doesn’t it sound wonderful to the penny pinchers at each brewery when I admit with others I’d love to spend my money all year long on these limited runs? Space, time and cost be damned, this is Perfect Beer World, where every day is Dark Lord Day.

With the ability to buy these beers – and according to Act #2 of Perfect Beer World – buy these beers anywhere, my fridge would be wonderfully stocked to my heart’s content. Russian Imperial Stouts in the summer, wet-hopped ales in the spring and special pumpkin beers whenever I please. This would make us happy at home and also mean we’re not wasting time in line at beer shops waiting to see if we’ll get that last bottle (only allowed to buy one!) of a much-coveted brew.

Oh Perfect Beer World, what a wonderful place you’d be.

*Bonus: This week, Julia Herz of CraftBeer.com posed this question: Should the shaker pint glass go away? In Perfect Beer World, the answer is an astounding yes. Want to know why? Check out my thoughts on the topic.

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