Why? Well they are an incredibly powerful way to change up your outfit without changing clothes. You don’t need a huge wardrobe. You really can dress an outfit up or down by changing a couple of accessories.
Discover how to choose and combine accessories:
5 Quick Tips for Choosing a Necklace
Simple secrets for styling coloured shoes
How to choose a belt
How to flatter larger facial features
How to choose jewellery
11 ways to style brooches
Top 6 ways to choose shoes to go with your outfit
5 Ways to accessorize from day to night
More posts on accessorizing
Take Action
Create beauty bundles with your accessories (check out what they are here).
Over the next week wear a different beauty bundle of accessories each day.
Share your pics with me on social media with #AccessoriseinStyle
Further Reading
What your shoes say about you
How Accessories Can change up your looks from Bridgette Raes with some great pics to explain how powerful they are
How to choose winter accessories