Religion Magazine

About the Plague

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From God the Father to Barbara Centilli:

“The spiritual contamination will affect the mind and body as well. Many will become ill with a disorder that can only be cured by conversion. For some, the conversion will come too late. This plague will be unleashed soon so that the weeding process can begin. It is not by bombs or war that man’s demise will come, but rather through his own spiritual corruption. Mary’s children will have immunity to this disease. I tell you this so that you may prepare: prayer, fasting and penance . . . Pray for your brother and sisters. Pray that they will listen when the chastisement of My mercy comes. And it comes soon. Remember, conversion to Me . . . The wave is coming; the plague is coming – one of power and one of pain.

“My children will cry out, but there will be no one to hear their cries, for I am turning My back on My children so that they may experience the absence of My goodness and love. They need to see so that they can make the choice. Then the plague will overcome those that are set in their rejection and hate for Me. And the light from My little ones shall blind them in their despair and they will beg to see again. But ONLY after they convert” (Seeing With the Eyes of the Soul, 2006).

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