
About a Month Left to Go…

Posted on the 02 June 2014 by Krickeyb

For those of you who do not know… my big brother, Ryan, is getting married to his wonderful fiance, Kelly, on July 12. Kelly chose me to be one of her bridesmaids, meaning I have to fit in a size two dress in ONE MONTH. Prior to the dress fitting, I was in better shape. I believe that was back in January. After a busy semester, tons of stress, and many celebrations (meaning a lot of sweets), I feel like my body is at an all time low. I am lethargic, my headaches have gotten stronger, and I am no longer confident when lifting at the gym. With about a month left to go until the wedding… it’s crunch time.


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Below is a “diary” to record my experiences. I wanted to share my journey with you all for two reasons. First, many friends ask for my workouts and meal plans. I figured this was a great way to explain my workout routine and my different meal ideas (caloric intake). The second reason is because I hope you will all hold me accountable. If I do not post my workouts and meals… TELL ME! If you choose to start this workout routine and diet with me, comment below! I’d love to hear about your experiences. Also, if you have recipe ideas, please share. I can always use a new recipe.

Day One:
I started my day earlier than normal for a Sunday. The gym opened at 8, so I was up at 7 to mentally prepare for a new beginning. Once at the gym, I met with two friends, my boyfriend, and my boyfriend’s father. We each split up and took a squat rack to start our workout. When squatting, I did six sets of six (different weight each time). I kept it light for my first time back in the squat rack since last summer. For my last set, I did six reps of 115. It felt good and was “easy.” Again, I did not want to go full throttle for my first day back in  almost a year. By next week, I should be back in a rhythm.

After squats, I benched five sets of six (different weight each time). I started with the bar to warm-up and ended with 95lbs. My max about a year ago was 120lbs. I was pretty satisfied with 95. My goal for the end of the summer is to bench 135! To finish the bulk of the workout, I did five sets of five wide grip pull-ups. I was definitely not feeling this, so by the third set, I moved on to chin-ups. *Please remember… I haven’t lifted like this in a year. By the end of the summer, my numbers will go up (I promise.)* Finally, I ended the workout with abdominal leg raises. My first two sets of eight were weightless. The next set of five was with 25lbs on my feet. The last set was eight reps without weight. I was tired at that point and decided to ditch the dumbbell.


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Following a workout, I eat a protein shake, I left my protein at home, so I had to buy a Chocolate Banana Smoothie from Starbucks. This smoothie is 300 calories and 19 grams of protein (because it includes scoops of whey protein). Around Noon, I ate a 3 oz. hamburger (no bun), a tbs of ketchup, one hot dog (no bun), and watermelon. This added up to about 382 calories. My snack around 3:30 was an organic orange Popsicle and more watermelon. The snack was 96 calories. When dinner rolled around, I was very hungry. I wanted to eat my least amount of calories, but realized I had about 900 calories remaining for the day. I ate a 3.5 oz. burger (no bun again), watermelon, and potato salad. I know I have eaten a lot of watermelon, but it makes consuming water easier and I love it. Summertime calls for fruit! It is refreshing and tasty. Dinner added up to 436 calories. I have 386 calories remaining for today, but I do not plan on eating anymore.

Overall, the first day was very successful. I am positive that I will be sore tomorrow. My workout begins at 7:30 in the morning before I start my workday. I look forward to my results by wedding time! That size two dress doesn’t seem as daunting as it was a week ago. My confidence level is already boosted and so is my mood! Please ask questions and share your plans/ideas. I would love to hear them! Thank you for reading day one of my new exercise/diet routine. Good luck to my fellow fitness lovers!

About a month left to go…

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