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ABC Film Challenge – Romance – R – Remember Me (2019) Movie Review

By Newguy
ABC Film Challenge – Romance – R – Remember Me (2019) Movie ReviewABC Film Challenge – Romance – R – Remember Me (2019) Movie Review

Director: Martin Rosete

Writer: Martin Rosete, Rafa Russo (Screenplay)

Starring: Bruce Dern, Caroline Sihol, Serena Kennedy, Sienna Guillory, Brian Cox

Plot: After discovering his old flame now has Alzheimer’s, a hopelessly in love widower fakes his way into her senior living community in an effort to reunite with her.

Runtime: 1 Hour 28 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Remember Me starts as a widower Claude (Dern) is preparing to let his daughter Selma (Guillory) and Tania (Kennedy) move in to recover from their husband’s scandal, with his best friend Shane (Cox) always being there for them.

When Claude learns that a lost love Lilian (Silhol) is living in a local Alzheimer’s home, he decides to get Shane to help him get into the home to meet his lost love again.

Thoughts on Remember Me

Characters – Claude is a widower that has seen his daughter go through a scandal, he is always welcomed to help her and his granddaughter, until he discovers his lost love living in a Alzheimer’s home near his home. Claude decides to fake have Alzheimer’s to get into the home and look to reconnect with his lost love, even if it ends up causing him to become distant from his own family. Lilian is the famous actress that was once Claude love, but went her own way, she is now suffering from Alzheimer’s does not remember much of her previous fame. Tania is the granddaughter of Claude who is close to him because of her own father’s behaviour, needing him in her life. Selma is Claude’s daughter that is stuck in the middle of her husband’s scandal and trying to keep the family together.

PerformancesBruce Dern is wonderful to watch, he is filled with the mix of a bitter old man, the sarcastic part of the himself and will give us the laughs through the film. The rest of the cast will give us strong performance throughout the film.

StoryThe story here follows a widowed man that decides to fake having Alzheimer’s to get close to a former love that has been suffering with the disease. This story might well have a moral question about it, but love will make people do crazy things, it will show us how love can be lost, replaced, but never forgotten, while giving us the balance of what is and isn’t important in life for people. The background story of the granddaughter struggling with her father’s affairs does take more of a center stage with the grandfather needing to be the strongest figure in her life.

Comedy/RomanceThe comedy comes from seeing how Claude reacts to each moment inside the home, with the romance being what drives him to want to reconnect with his lost love.

SettingsThe film uses the Alzheimer’s home as the main setting, which will help us see how Claude’s life changes to try and find love once more.

Scene of the Movie – The performance.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Should have had more consequences.

Final Thoughts Remember Me is a nice sweet romance that shows us just how far people will go for love with a brilliant Bruce Dern performance.

ABC Film Challenge – Romance – R – Remember Me (2019) Movie Review
ABC Film Challenge – Romance – R – Remember Me (2019) Movie Review

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