Welcome to A-Z, a mini series at Daisybutter, a fortnightly series that takes a letter from the alphabet and where I aim to introduce the many facets of myself to the blog.
The A-Z of Michelle is a 26-part series on Daisybutter. Once a fortnight, I'll be introducing a new 'thing' about myself or an opinion that I'd like to share or a short story snippet. You get the gist. And each will hail from a respective letter of the alphabet. I've become quite enamoured with the alphabet as of late, even renaming my magazine to A for Aesthetic (oh so creatively from its former Aesthetic Magazine), heh.
It’s often easy to believe that bloggers of the modern day are a variation of perfect. Rose-tinted posts full of pristinely white surfaces and glinting belongings, newness every single week and selfies on fleek every 7th Instagram on the grid… But how about our guilty pleasures? Because after happily chatting away to somebody new this past month, I’ve realised I have plenty of guilty pleasures that are often unconsciously hidden from this beloved blog of mine.
- Adding two spoonfuls of sugar to my coffees even though I take none in my teas.
- Pretending not to be home when somebody (that isn’t the ASOS delivery man) knocks on the door.
- Four fluffy pillows on a double bed for one.
- Fairy lights strung from everywhere because it isn’t Christmas.
- Taking careful note of numbers and noting carefully, my dreams.
- Adding a scatter of dark chocolate nibs to my afternoon bowlful of blueberries.
- Entire evenings devoted to one game.
- Naps being a’okay at any hour of the day.
- Two-egg omelettes for lunch.
- Watching an entire anime in one sitting ; I finally watched Ao no Exorcist and can definitely recommend it!
- Perfume - ‘Flash’.
- Staying in your pajamas until you absolutely must go and run errands.
- Pretending to be a lady of leisure and cracking out the deckchair and pouring a jug of fresh lemonade at the first hint of heat.
- LUSH Sweetie Pie showers.
- Agreeing to rooftop cinema evenings on Sunday nights.
- Switching plates at breakfast, lunch and dinner for the optimal flat lay.
- Ordering 'the prettier option' once in a while for the grid.
- Sneaking a sakura KitKat from the Japan snack stash.
- Ekeing out an extra 30 minutes after ‘bedtime’.
- Sitting around in your knickers ‘because you can’.
- 2pm bubble baths when you can ascertain the window cleaners won’t be making a visit.
- Telling Dad the wrong route home from Cambridge so you can soak up the goodness of beautifully quaint English country lanes.
- Late afternoon elevenses with Dad on said afternoon escapes.
- Adding syrup to my morning porridge. One of these days I *will* switch to agave nectar!
- Extended coffee mornings with Mama before beginning work for the day.