Disney and Oprah Winfrey’s new movie, A Wrinkle In Time, is wonderful for children, but not so much for more cynical adults.
This movie was raved about by my children from the moment the credits rolled. They enjoyed the diversity of the characters and it made them really want to go and read the books that the movie was based on. They came out of it with a stronger sense of self-worth and a tighter brotherly bond. My boys enjoyed the bright colors and the sci-fi story that showed kids traveling into a different realm in order to rescue their father.
As an adult, I took the movie with much more of a grain of salt. Though reviewers went off about the political correctness of the movie, that did not affect me as much as I thought it would. Yes, the characters are different than the ones that Madeleine L’Engle imagined, but I felt that they still held many of the characteristics that the book wanted them to have. What bothered me more was the Disney aspect of it all. At times, it felt no different than a show that you would find on the Disney channel. Other times, you were reminded way too much of the repetitiveness that Disney is known for. Several scenes reminded me of other movies that I have already seen in my lifetime, i.e. The Never Ending Story.
I still held out hope that this movie could still make something of itself until the end. Then I discovered that Disney destroyed another great series. While this had the possibility of becoming a bland version of the Harry Potter Series, it ended in such a way that made me lose even that glimmer of hope. It left me with a feeling that very much reminded me of the Chronicles of Narnia. Making this another one-hit wonder, because let’s face it, while Disney followed up with other movies to try to complete the Narnia series, they were nowhere near the original and they fizzled quickly. I’m afraid that, should this movie continue down the same path, we will all discover that the same could be said for A Wrinkle In Time as well.
Video Credit: Disney