Food & Drink Magazine

A Winter Meal & A Chestnut Menu

By Withthegrains @WithTheGrains

Long, dramatic tapers have a way of gauging the gatherings they illuminate.

A Winter Meal & A Chestnut Menu //

Fresh from the box, they stand tall, almost precariously so, but if the conversation flows, the laughs bellow and the wine bottles empty, they diminish into waxy dribbles and safer, stubbier forms. The candles, far more subtle than a ticking clock, have a gentle way of saying, “you’ve conversed long into the evening. Your eyes are tired, but your hearts and stomaches are full!” Whereas the clock may say, “it’s too late,” the candles say, “it’s still bright enough for dessert!”

A Winter Meal & A Chestnut Menu //

These elegant black tapers illuminated a Chestnut Themed Menu for a wintry meal with The Urban Farmer and my friend Jill. They burned long into the night, from Chestnut & Mushroom soup with crusty bread, to Chestnut Stuffing and finally, to a layered Chestnut Chocolate Cake. Stay tuned for the recipes & menu recap, and in the meantime, I hope your tapers burn low.

Quelcy Signature

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