- Maxwell went to visit Nanny and Grandad
- Maxwell has been invited to his first Birthday party
- Maxwell has now been refereed to a pediatrician
- Maxwell's speech continues to improve
- Maxwell adores singing and has learnt lots of new songs
Last week Maxwell was invited to his first Birthday party which I thought was lovely. Maxwell has been invited to a Spider Man party and will be going next week. He was invited to it by a little boy at preschool and I am hoping Maxwell will have a fantastic time. At the present moment we are trying to find a suitable present to take.
Last week we got some news that the preschool along with Maxwell's speech therapist wanted Maxwell to see a pediatrician. There are a few problems that Maxwell have which seem to be worrying preschool so they have asked Ben and I to take Maxwell to be seen. At first I was a little thrown and very tearful however after taking in the news in, I have figured that there may be nothing wrong with Maxwell and if there are any issues, as a family we can help and support Maxwell. The most important thing is that he is a happy little boy and loves and enjoys life.
Maxwell's speech has continued to improve and Maxwell is managing to say a lot more. Maxwell now ask's for things and always like to say please and thank you when asking for things or when given things. I am very happy about how Maxwell's speech has continued to improve.
Although Maxwell is not a fluent speaker, he adores to sing. Maxwell adores to sing lots of nursery rhymes as well as enjoying to sing song's that he hears on the radio. When he does not know the words he loves to hum the songs which I think is really sweet. Maxwell's favorite songs at the moment are happy birthday, ba ba black sheep and row row your boat.