Family Magazine

A Week In The Life Of Monica #7

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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It was another crazy week over here at Monica’s Mom Musings. Weather played a difficult part in our week as well. The kids were on vacation for part of the week, my husband was off, and there was just a lot of stuff happening. Now I need a week of vegging. That’s not gonna happen though. Back to the grind this week of chauffeuring everyone around. But here’s what our last full week of February looked like.

Saturday February 15

My husband had to work at night and so did I.  We had another day that snowed all day so everyone was stuck indoors, except my husband who had to go to work.  I spent the day doing laundry knowing I probably wouldn’t get to it much during the week.  My son was feeling much better and was able to keep things down so he was back up and about making trouble with his sisters.  It kind of ended up being a sleep where you fall type of day.

February 15

I started cooking dinner before I had to work and my oldest got it out of the oven.  When my husband came home from work he put the little ones to bed, had some dinner, and played Scattegories with the older two while I worked.  And that was how we spent the day.

February 15 2

Sunday February 16

Again my husband and I both had to work, but we were on mostly the same shift.  We had lunch after he came home from work and hung around the house for a little while before we went out to Walmart to get a few things that we needed.  Tried to find rock salt, but of course no one has it.  Went out to dinner and then went to Home Depot to get a new lock for one of the doors.  Then we came home.  We just relaxed around the house for the rest of the night.

February 16

Monday February 17

This was a big day.  My oldest got her braces put on.  Our appointment was at 11 and we didn’t leave until almost 1.  She was not at all happy with them, but I promised her a milkshake after they were put on so we went out for that and she got to explore trying to eat with braces on.  Then we went home where everyone else had been all day.  They were itching to go out and with more snow on the way we thought we’d try to go bowling.  But by the time we did we were too late as all places had no lanes because leagues were about to start.  We didn’t have much luck finding anything else to do.  We ended up eating out, doing some window shopping, climbing a snow mountain, stopping at the store to get some stuff for a smoothie the kids have been asking me to make, and picked up a few movies.  We came home, I had to work, and we watched some movies.  Then everyone went to bed.  The pain was really beginning to set in for my oldest.

BeforeWith braces

February 17

Tuesday February 18

I got up and made the smoothie everyone wanted.  My oldest was miserable.  She didn’t want anything, but she did eat the smoothie and then planted herself on the couch where she pretty much stayed for the day.  We were supposed to go out, but the weather didn’t allow for that.  My husband went out to shovel and the two middle kids went with him then didn’t want to come in to watch another movie.  They did finally come back in.  I wasn’t feeling all that great so I took a nap during that movie.  Got up and tried to figure out what to do for dinner.  My oldest couldn’t eat much of anything.  So it was hard with her.  Made some macaroni and cheese, but she couldn’t chew it so she had some mashed potatoes.  It was a school night so we put the two little ones to bed.  I was actually not working for the night, but that didn’t end up happening.  I kept getting asked questions and then we had some drama where someone wasn’t working.  Ugh, sometimes it can be a pain being in charge.  Went to bed late because of that and then couldn’t really sleep and had to be up early the next morning.

February 18

Wednesday February 19

Back to school for the kids.  I was up bright and early starting our day.  Everyone was in on time.  Did my usual get everyone off to school in the morning and then spent the rest of the morning doing our taxes.  I went to get my oldest daughter from school and took her out for a milkshake as she was still very sore.  Then I had to get stuff to make cake pops for my youngest daughter’s Valentine’s.  That’s right, five days later I haven’t done Valentine’s yet.  We went and picked up my middle daughter from her bus stop and then went home.  I baked a cake.  We went out for dinner which ended up taking much longer than I anticipated.  We came home and I had to work.  It was getting quite slick outside so we were thinking there might be a delay the next day.  I wanted to make those cake pops, but ultimately I ended up going to bed after I worked.  I figured I could make the cake pops after dropping my middle daughter off at school, if there wasn’t a delay.

February 19

Thursday February 20

There was a delay.  So the two little ones did not have school.  I got the two older kids off to school and then came home and got my husband and the little ones.  We spent the day out looking around at some stuff including baseball gear for my son.  Not that he wants to play baseball, but he put it on making me long for him to sign up.  He still says no.  Before I knew it it was time to get my oldest.  We got her, went to the grocery store for a few things, and came home to put that away.  My husband broke up the ice we had in the driveway and then it was time to go pick up our middle daughter.  We all went because in our travels that day we had seen a table we wanted to possibly buy.  So we went back to look at it and ended up buying it.  We were allowed to leave it and come back the next day to pick it up.  We went home and had dinner and put the little ones to bed.  My husband played Monopoly with the older two and I worked on writing some articles.  Then everyone went to bed.

February 20

Friday February 21

School was back in session on time for everyone.  Got everyone up and off to school.  My son had career day at school so he wore his fireman costume to school.

February 21 1

Then I cleaned my kitchen in preparation for our new table and chairs.  We went to pick it up and then set it all up.  Our son came home from school and we fed everyone lunch.  Then we got ready for his dentist appointment.  Went to his appointment.  Someone was there videoing things for advertising so they videoed my son getting his teeth cleaned.  Everything looked good and we went to pick up my oldest from school.  We came home where I laid down because I had a terrible headache.  My husband went and got our middle daughter.  He cooked dinner.  I still wasn’t feeling all that great.  Ate dinner and the kids did their chores.  We put the baby to bed and the rest of us stayed up and played Monopoly.  My husband won.  Everyone went to bed.

February 21

And that was what happened this week.   I don’t have much planned for next week.  It will be back to business as usual.  Hopefully I get to make those cake pops.

How was your week?

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