Family Magazine

A Week In The Life Of Monica #6

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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Moving right along in February I had another fun filled week. And I know you’re dying to know what happened. So here’s the blow by blow of my week.

Saturday February 8

A quiet Saturday.  My middle daughter was still at a friend’s house.  The little ones enjoyed their very first Paczki donuts in the morning.  A special treat.  My husband and I both had to work at night.  I started cooking dinner before I had to get some work done and asked my oldest to finish.  My middle daughter came home just in time for dinner.  I worked the rest of the night.  My husband came home from work and got the little ones to bed.

February 8 2014

Sunday February 9

More work.  That’s how my day began, working.  My husband also had to work.  He came home right around dinner time.  We ate and spent Sunday hanging around.  I did laundry and got the little ones a bath and to bed.  And the rest of the night was spent folding laundry, watching TV, and working.  Anyone seeing a theme here?  No wonder our kids are always complaining about boring weekends.

February 9 2014

Monday February 10

Back to school for the three big kids.  I was up at my usual 5:15 am getting my middle daughter ready to leave for school.  Brought her to her bus stop, came home, worked out, took a shower, got my oldest daughter up and to school.  Then I came home and woke my son up.  Got him ready and my husband brought him to the bus stop.  After they were all off to school we went to Walmart to get a few things we needed.  We checked out a tattoo shop and chatted with a tattooist for a little while.  We came home just in time for my son to get off his bus.  Gave the little ones lunch and then I needed to make some phone calls.  I ended up being on the phone much later than I anticipated and my daughter was texting me about coming to pick her up.  Got off the phone and went to get my teen and brought her out to Moe’s for some chips and queso, something we like to do together often.  Then we had to go pick up her sister from her bus stop.  Got her and went back home.  Had dinner and I had to work.  My husband got the little ones to bed.  The older two followed shortly after.  I finished working and went to bed.

February 10, 2014

Tuesday February 11

Another day of driving people to and from.  Got my middle daughter off to school around 6, came home, worked out, and then I had to get my oldest daughter to school and husband to work.  So we had to get the little ones up and loaded into the car.  Got my daughter to school and husband to work and got the little ones home and fed them.  Brought my son to his bus stop and came back in and started getting my youngest ready for her to finally go back to school.  She hadn’t been back in a week.  We headed off to her school where I was worried we’d have more tears, but to my surprise and relief she didn’t cry at all.

February 11 2014

I left her school and went back to Walmart because my middle daughter needed a piece of poster board.  Then I went to Kohl’s to try to find something I needed, but was not successful.  It was time to go pick my youngest up.  Found out she had a great day and didn’t cry at all.  Brought her home and waited for my landlord to come over to collect rent.  He never came.  Got my son off the bus and we had lunch.  I put my youngest down for a nap and took a nap myself.  I had to go get my middle daughter from her bus stop and my oldest had stayed after school so I had to pick her up too.  Got them both, found out my landlord was finally going to come, had to tell him no one would be home, and went and got my husband from work.  We came home and got dinner ready.  After dinner I had to help my oldest daughter with her Social Studies project.  My husband put the little ones to bed.  I finished what I could do (drawing a picture) for my daughter’s project and she completed it and went to bed.  I went to bed shortly after.


Wednesday February 12

This day started out like every other.  Bringing everyone to school.  My husband and I went out and got a few new outfits for our youngest daughter.  We got something to eat and then went home and waited for our son to get out of school.  My middle daughter had a half day so we had a little mommy daughter time.  I took her out to lunch.  By the time we finished her oldest sister was getting out of school.  She wanted me to take her shopping, but she wanted her sister to come so we went to get her and went shopping.  I got each of them a few new things and then we went home.  We had dinner and I had to work again.  We were anticipating a snow storm the next day and slowly we started getting notification that there was no school for each of the kids.  So everyone stayed up a little late.  My husband put the little ones to bed and played Scattegories with the two older ones while I worked.  Then everyone went to bed.

February 12 2014

Thursday February 13

SNOW DAY!  We woke up to quite a bit of snow.  It had started earlier than predicted.  My husband had to call out of work.  He attempted to stay on top of it, but with snow falling at over 2 inches an hour it wasn’t easy.  And as always there are people who are just crazy enough to go out in this weather and there’s bound to be people who get stuck out in front of our house.  Here was one of many incidences like that this day…

February 13 2014

While everyone was outside digging in the snow I was inside completing a training thing for work.  Everyone came in cold and snow covered.  We got them warmed up and spent the rest of the day just hanging around watching the snow fall.  My oldest daughter even took to some selfies with her little siblings that night.  Slowly we got the calls that school was canceled for my middle daughter and delayed for my son and oldest the next day.  So another late night for everyone.  I was still expecting completely canceled for my oldest though.


Friday February 14

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I woke up to check to see if my oldest daughter’s school would cancel.  I was kind of thinking if they didn’t I would just keep her home considering that the recycling truck got stuck on our street in front of our house.  Do not stop at our stop sign when it snows, ha.  They did cancel school so another snow day.  My son had been complaining of a stomach ache, but I didn’t think too much of it.  I went out with my husband to dig us out.  Ice fell on top of the snow so it was a heavy wet mess.  After 2 1/2 hours of shoveling I got it mostly done.  My husband had stopped to go in and relax before going to work so he was out there for about an hour.  My oldest came out to help me finish the job.  My husband left for work and we finished up and came back in to my son throwing up.  So I had to clean that up.  I had to go across the street to get some ginger ale and crackers for my son so I picked up up something to eat too.  My oldest daughter and I walked, or rather slid, over there.  My daughter bought me a card and some flowers for Valentine’s day.  We had dinner and then I had to work.  My husband came home from work with flowers, a balloon, candy, and chocolate covered strawberries for me.  We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s day since our anniversary is a few weeks later, but none the less it is nice to get treats.  He had some stuff for the kids too.  They stayed up for a little while longer and shortly after my husband and I went to bed too.  It was a very exhausting day.


And that was this 2nd week of February.  Check back next week because it’s shaping up to be a good one.

How was your week?

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