Gardening Magazine

A Viking Shows His Softer Side

By Danielcarruthers

Apparently the Vikings used to row their longboats silently along rivers, reaching far inland so that the first the local people knew of their presence was the sight of the prow appearing above the reeds and rushes. It must have been very frightening. Fortunately this Viking on the Viking Cruises Norse Garden was showing his softer side when he broke off from uttering war cries to admire a silene fimbriata. Like him, I was very taken with the planting combination on this Artisan Garden which included the silene, white foxgloves and aquilegias with the vivid blues of Anchusa Loddon Royalist and Iris sibirica. Maybe they are planning to use him to give horticultural lectures on their cruises?a viking taking a break at the chelsea flower show

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