I do love a good wedding venue and I was super excited to hear that Sara and James were planning to hold their wedding reception at the world famous Royal Birkdale Golf Club. I’m not even a golf fan, I just think the setting is pretty breathtaking and so is that sunset…

Before their wedding myself and their photographer, Evie from Chapter Photography, decided to meet in Formby to chat about their final wedding plans and partake in a little engagement shoot in the dunes. As the weather was so lovely I decided to bring my own camera, do a little filming and create a mini engagement movie. This has gone down so well with some of my couples that we are now offering it as a little extra! You can see Sara and James’s Engagement Film here.
The wedding day came soon enough and we found ourselves right in the middle of all the excitement round at Sara’s parents house in Birkdale. Lots of amazing gifts were exchanged and the parents even treated us to a bit of impromptu dancing in the kitchen (which actually made me well up a little it was so cute). The boys house involved a bit more food and football as they got ready and before we knew it we were all heading to St Joseph’s Church, Southport to await the bride…

The service was lovely and I could even see Jame’s holding back the tears from the bottom of the aisle. They beamed from ear to ear as they were pronounced husband and wife and left the church to be greeted by their vintage ice cream van to treat all their guests. Soon a lot of messy faces were leaving to make their way to the wedding reception at Royal Birkdale while we sneaked off with the couple to get some fun shots at the Southport fair and pier.

The sun was really shining as guests made their way up to the wedding breakfast room and to fit in with the high spirits of the day not only did the bridal party dance in to the room to make a real entrance they also Big Entertainment there to get everyone up and dancing in between courses. I even caught James doing Gangnam style at one point…

Seeing at their wedding had so far been all about dancing and having fun it wasn’t a surprise to hear they had a fun dance planned for their first dance. Guests were wowed with a cute routine to Bruno Mars, Marry You and it looked like they had a lot of fun performing it too…
Wedding Church Ceremony – St Joseph’s Church, Southport
Wedding Reception – Royal Birkdale Golf Club, Birkdale
Wedding photographers – Evie and Jamie at Chapter Photography, Malahide, Ireland