I have been going back and forth about writing this. everyone else has one so why not put up my must haves for the holidays? Add one more log to the Yule log fire? What’s the worst that can happen right?
I am a traditionalist when it comes to holiday gifts and best of choices. As Always my number one gift is the perennial favorite for Ms Van Pelt: Real-estate. For some reason we never get that tough.. or at least any we don’t have to sign 100 pages of legal documents to get..
Anyways let’s keep this one it simple – what are some great stocking stuffers to get for the beer lovers in your life.
Bottle Opener – like lighters you can never have too many of them laying around (even if you are a non smoker). My Personal favorite that I own and use is: The Hermetus Bottle opener and resealer Lets see, it is stainless steel, can open bottles with either pop off or twist off caps, has a resealer gasket built-in, and all of the instructions on it are printed in German.. Das Good! The only down side is, bottle caps like the Bruery use are a little hard to pop off, due to the bigger than normal size they use.
Bin52 Custom made Hop and Grain filled jewelry Key chains, necklaces, cuff links, custom requests, you name it and you can probably find it or have it made for you here.
NJ Craft Beer 2014 Membership card A Hyper Local pick I know, but if you are from NJ, and especially if you reside south of Morris County, you are remiss not to have this. Even in the up and coming NNJ area I am getting great savings, Online discounts, discounted admission to beer fests, food even! It is a gift that keeps giving all year. At the point I am writing this, there are 348 different places that accept it in NJ, and some even in PA or NY!
Libby makes excellent restaurant quality glassware for a great deal, so if they do not have a collection from breweries and what not, this is a great easy way to pick up the basic ones.
#CraftGeer: If you want a special glass with a great logo look no further than #CraftGeer. I would love to see a Tulip glass added at some point. Also they are a participating vendor with the NJCB membership card.
#CraftGeer: more than just glassware, CraftGeer has a nice selection of both men’s and women’s shirts, hoodies, hats etc. The build quality is as good as their glassware!
Craft Beer Hound also another nice selection of men’s and woman’s clothing and accessories. I have their Drink like a Monk Shirt on my wish list actually.
Hop Cloth Crafty T-shirts with some humor thrown in. What is not to like. Also they are the maker of the famous “Craft Beer: “it’s not alcoholism, it’s a hobby” shirt
Gift Cards – Visa, Amex, for a popular store, or home-brew shop. Honestly is a gift card ever a bad thing or cash for that matter, 10’s and 20’s please ? There, someone had to say it

OK so this won’t fit in a stocking but it’s still nice
Craft Beer gift basket Now I am not talking about one of those world of beer or even holiday sets that almost every liquor store sells. Great for Liquor but not for beer. How do you know you are getting fresh stuff or just the leftovers the store or distributor had.. Getting one from a place like Growler and Grill (or similar if you are not a local) or making your own is the best way to go. Part Crafty, part craft beer, loaded up with nice snacks, what is not to love?
Leg Lamp. Why? Because – Leg Lamp. It oozes electric sex. Only to be outdone by the Bacon wrapped Leg Lamp

Happy Holidays Folks!