
A So Big Sun in Advance: Summary of the Episode of Wednesday July 15, 2020 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Posted on the 14 July 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

In the next episode of "Un Si Grand Soleil" ... While Becker decides to investigate, Julien discovers that Elizabeth has recovered with Hugues.

A so big sun in advance: summary of the episode of Wednesday July 15, 2020 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TVA so big sun in advance: summary of the episode of Wednesday July 15, 2020 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TVScreenshot / FTV Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast tomorrow evening on France 2! If you don't want to know anything, don't read the following!

Wednesday July 15 in Un Si Grand Soleil ...


At the station, Becker questions Portel to learn more about Oleg's death. As Clement suspects of having fraudulently recruited a workforce that he submits to hellish rates, Portel refuses to hear more and leaves the premises. For his part, Eliott finds Thierry. Worried that Portel is throwing them at the police, the manager of 101 would like to find men to put pressure on those who are about to speak and Thierry agrees to take care of them, with 2% of his margin on money laundering. Meanwhile, Gérald blames himself for not telling the police the truth about what really happened on the construction site. While Dylan recalls that it is not his fault, his father is outraged that we can employ black people for the sole purpose of making a profit. Despite everything, Dylan insists that this work is their only chance to save the family business. At the same time, Becker informs the prosecutor of his doubts concerning the death of Oleg. Convinced that Portel systematically resorts to concealed work, the commander would like to involve the financial brigade. But first, the prosecutor prefers to send the labor inspectorate. At the end of the day, Clément invites Emmy to dine at home. As he asked him many questions about Portel Constructions, Janet intervened and ended the interrogation. At nightfall, Dylan explains to his friend that Gérald has been at his worst since Oleg's death. Trapped, Eliott emphasizes that to avoid serious trouble, it is essential that Gérald keep it secret.


Elizabeth is more in love than ever. As she is about to leave for work, Hugues kisses her passionately and promises that he will not waste this second chance. Manon is upset that her grandmother canceled their lunch for the third time. For Arthur, this is one more element confirming that Elizabeth has recovered with Hughes. Julien, who has heard the conversation of his children, wants to have a clear heart and goes to his mother's office. After he says Manon has questions about his cancellations, Elizabeth swears to take care of her baby girl. While he is trying to find out if she has remained in contact with Hugues since his discharge from the hospital, the latter receives a message from his companion which cuts short their discussion. Seeing Elizabeth rushing out of her office, Julien decides to follow her in the car and finds that she has an appointment with Hugues who brings her an investment dossier in a company specialized in ecological concrete. As he knew Marc-Antoine Chelles, the owner of this company, Hugues warns him that he is getting richer on the back of the boxes that he puts into bankruptcy. The businesswoman then contacts Guilhem, who ensures that Marc-Antoine has no criminal record. Only, Elizabeth demands that the lawyer do further research. At the end of the day, Arthur overhears a discussion between his parents who say that Elizabeth has recovered with Hugues. The young man hastens to reveal this information to his sister who seems very upset against his grandmother.

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