Lifestyle Magazine

A Slice of Life: Review of “The Thing About Jellyfish”

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you! I’m excited today because I’ve figured out the ending to my story, and it’s a much better ending than the original one I had planned. Whoo! Hoo! So, I’m almost finished with the editing.

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That being said, I’m back with another Slice of Life Post. Today I’m writing a review of an awesome book I just finished over the weekend. I loved it!

The Title is: The Thing about Jellyfish

A Slice of Life: Review of “The Thing About Jellyfish”

After her best friend dies in a drowning accident, Suzy is convinced that the true cause of the tragedy must have been a rare jellyfish sting-things don’t just happen for no reason. Retreating into a silent world of imagination, she crafts a plan to prove her theory–even if it means traveling the globe, alone. Suzy’s achingly heartfelt journey explores life, death, the astonishing wonder of the universe…and the potential for love and hope right next door.

My Thoughts:

This was an amazing read. I absolutely loved it. It tells the tale of a young girl trying to make sense of the loss of her friend who drowned. Franny, her friend, was a strong swimmer and Suzanne, the main character, believes Franny must have been stung by a jellyfish. That’s the only thing that makes sense to her. So, she decides to prove her theory. The author tells a tale of a young girl coping with the loss of her friend by trying to find a rational reason.

One thing I loved about this story is the science the author weaved into the tale. Her knowledge of the jellyfish species is vast, and she shares it with the reader in a way that keeps your interest. She also does this without losing sight of Suzanne’s story. I’d highly recommend this to teachers and librarians. There’s a lot of knowledge in this story the reader will pick up, and it may even spark an interest in science. Isn’t that what all good books do, spark interest in a subject?

Another reason I love this story is because it introduces the reader to the loss of a friend, and explains that sometimes there is no rational reason for a tragedy.  Things do “just happen.” This story is a great way to show your child sometimes we can’t find all the answers and we have to accept it.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. If you’d like to read other Slice of Life Posts click the link below:

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And if you have a book you’d recommend, please do in the comments. I’m always looking for an awesome read!

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