104 degrees Fahrenheit(pch...wasted some time thinking how to type the degreeF on my keyboard :P), the thermometer read. 'It's a typhoid fever' confirmed the doctor after a glance at my blood test reports. It means I grow weaker everyday and have to be taken extra care of with special diets, to my mom. For me it means I don't need to go to the hostel for a few more days. That yayy moment brought an instant joy in my mind but my body isn't supporting a single move as small as a centimeter. I took nearly 30 minutes to cover a distance of 20 feet just to reach washroom from the hall. I should have taken somebody's help to avoid that long journey. Anyway then came my scene of sin, I stepped into the washroom and stamped on a lizard's tail. Poor one, it left its tail and scurried away. I felt disgusting. Imagine a lizard under your feet and that ticklish sensation when it wriggles for its life and get out of your grip.
golden lizard temple,
Sin-2 2011
Have you ever seen baby frogs or just-grown tadpoles? They appear to be made up of clay-so small and sensitive. They are mostly seen during rains. When I was a kid I used to think frogspawn evaporates along with water to form clouds, and they grow into baby frogs up in the sky and return to their mothers through rain. I relish those funny and beautiful thoughts even today. Because if I had not started thinking and developed enthusiasm no matter how stupid those thoughts were, I would have been a dumbo. According to me if you are not enthusiastic you never grow better. Well, topic diverted--I missed my point of sin. By now many of you might have guessed it right. I have killed some of them unknowingly. I was shifting a plastic drum from getting wet and these little ones got crushed under it during the process. Ironically they truly seemed to be a bit of mud with no visible organs. Second sin accomplished. I sulk.
Sin-3 2013

P.S - Trust me my dear fellow living creatures-I had no intentions to hurt some of you. But I couldn't help it. From now on protect yourselves as I don't know what I will do in future ;P. Hope I don't get a target again.
P.P.S - Please don't hurt animals because according to the animal welfare act,2011 it's an offense. Yes if you are a non-vegetarian you don't need to stop eating them. If everyone relies on plants how will our race survive :P
Do share your views if my experiences ticked you :-)
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