Nearly six months ago, I received a parcel sent by friends from an island in Thailand. It contained a small wooden box with 91 rudraksha beads and a rudraksha necklace, beautifully decorated with a piece of tree bark from a fallen branch of a rudraksha tree, a red tissue and a thread.

Two years ago they found a first rudraksha in a waterfall area on Koh Phangan island and then started exploring the beauty and depth of rudrakshas in different parts of Thailand. They are publishing information about rudrakshas and other trees and plants and are exploring their sacred vibration and beauty. They are also giving courses on how to use rudrakshas. On the website, they are maintaining a section “Rudraksha Planet” about observations concerning this holy tree. Originally from Russia, they are working in Thailand with a NGO based in Scotland, Kalos Fund. It is a very inspiring mission.
In a talk in Miami February 2018, Master Kumar spoke on using rudrakshas in the course of a question-answer session, see below. And he has published a booklet on Rudra (more; see here the PDF) explaining more about this lord of Will and of Fire, causing the vibration in the ether
“Question: I have been asked by several people about what you have mentioned that we should soak the rudraksha and change the water daily. The question is: should we drink or not drink that water?
Answer: Drink the water. A rudraksha carries vibrations. Rudra stands for vibration. The vibrations will rearrange the energies in you. That is the beauty of Rudra. There is a book on Rudra so you can look through. The Rudras, they destroy the darkness and build a field of light through their vibrations. A Rudraksha has the impact of these vibrations. That is why a lot of people wear these rudrakshas in the East. A tacha rudraksha daily is very very beneficial. Many people hold it like a chain with the rudrakshas touching their vibrating center at the heart. You daily touch a rudraksha and offer water to it, because it is a very vibrating energy, it is kept cool, kept in poise with water; and water is also electrical. The higher dimension of water is that it is electrical. That is how we originally produced hydro electricity because in the water there is electricity. So, it is electrical and if it is kept cool though you are very vibrant you remain cool. This is the idea of holding a rudraksha. So, daily relating to rudraksha will enable you to gain the vibrations. So, it is the matter of respect that every day you change the water for it.
In the morning you can set it in water and utter forth the mantra for Rudra, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE RUDRAYA. That is the mantra. A much more powerful mantra for relating to Rudra is, YO RUDRO AGNO YO APSUYA OSADISU, YO RUDRO VISWA BHUVAN AVIVESA TASMAI RUDRA YA NAMO ASTU. Like this, there is a mantra, which I also gave here before. In there it says 3 times to utter the mantra Rudra. Do it saying it 3 times, or 5 times or 7 times, maximum 11 times. Eleven are the Rudras. If you can do it, you do it. Otherwise you hold the rudraksha daily, change the water and the vibrations will be there at home.
Everything should be optional; nothing should be compulsory in spiritual practice. But once we accepted to do it, then you have to follow a rhythm. It is like a marriage. Once you are married you are committed. Isn’t it? You can’t change it. Like that, with any practice you can keep it at a optional level or at a level of consecration and commitment.”