We also spend a fair amount of time looking over fences and into people's gardens as we walk up the steep hills here in Lytellton.
What you notice straight away is that many of the tender summer bedding plants we grow at home in Scotland, do exceptionally well here, in fact they thrive.
Banks of geraniums, vast clumps of pelargoniums, flowering clumps of aeoniums and roses to die for.
The roses, the roses, it makes you understand that many roses really love a milder winter.
Many of the modern Hybrid T roses look great. In Scotland, Iceberg is a virus ridden, frequently black spotted, defoliated white floribunda, here it is a healthy vigorous shrub and completely reliable white!
David Austin roses are very popular here. I believe that is because many of the repeat flowering modern roses that he raises also love a mild winter.
Of course, It can get too hot and dry in their New Zealand summers, but they really can't have it all ways!
The large white scramblers and coloured ramblers are magnificent, as you can see.
Oh my, it does inspire you to have another go, and hope and hope that we get that long overdue good summer. To dream
Beautiful Red Pohutukawa
A link to A lovely song about a sunny kiwi christmas by a talented family friend