Well, we got back from our two week trip to Provence on Sunday night and this week is proving every bit as frantic as I expected –endless laundry and unpacking, getting my sons back to school, preparing for my interview with Jane Rusbridge at the Ham & High Literary Festival next week (details below), polishing my entry for the Costa Short Story Award, all in four days before I set off with great excitement for the York Festival of Writing on Friday morning. (It’s also my birthday tomorrow, but I’m seriously thinking of rescheduling….)
So before it trickles away, a hasty attempt to bottle the elixir and hold onto it a little longer.
I’ve always loved travelling, ever since I was very young, and I’ve always had close ties with France in particular, with my mother a teacher of French and her best friend, my godmother Isabelle, actually being French. I’ve never lived in France but I’ve spent a great deal of time there and have visited just about every region. My husband JC, who had never left the UK before we met, credits me with infecting him with my Francophilia and general wanderlust. Even when we were penniless 20-something newlyweds who could barely afford to eat, we managed to hit the road somehow. On surveying the warzone that was our new house back then (back when young people could buy property), my mom once said something that sticks in my mind: ‘Maybe when the house is finished, you won’t feel the need to keep going away.’ She really didn’t understand. It’s great to get away, especially when you live in a huge city with a hectic pace of life, but that’s never been the main reason for me. It’s more the desire to experience other places and all the things that make them mysterious, exciting, unfamiliar.

We first came to the area in 1999 and were smitten. In 2003 we visited during a heatwave and endured the torture of hearing the neighbours in their pool all day long. The kids, very little then, thought their dad spraying them with a hosepipe was an acceptable substitute. I didn’t, and thus began the search for somewhere to rent that didn’t require a second mortgage – the area is popular with wealthy tourists and a lot of owners are shockingly greedy.

When you return often to a place, it becomes a kind of yardstick of your life. I can measure so many aspects of all of us here. The last time, in 2009, I had recently thrown myself headlong into writing, to see if I could do it. Now I’m working on my second novel – finally doing what I really love (although I do need to find a way to earn some money from it!) Yes, the kids are growing up, but as Roselyne said, maybe they’ll come back with their own families one day; they love it as much as we do. JC and I have always dreamed of owning a house down here…
Whatever happens, we’ll always come back.
Some of you know this area – do you recognize it? Tell me about the place in your heart wherever it is – I think we all have one.

My Literary Sofa goes live next week at the Ham & High Literary Festival! Would love to see some of you at: Jane Rusbridge in Conversation with Isabel Costello (we’ll be talking about Jane’s second novel, ROOK, and about writing generally) 11-12pm on Tuesday 11 September at the London Jewish Cultural Centre, NW11. There’s a fabulous 3 day programme with over 60 events and a stellar line-up of top literary talent.
*COMING SOON* Review of NW by Zadie Smith