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A Piece Of Advice To My Younger Self #WriteAPageADay #pebbleinwaterswrites @blogchatter

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

A piece of advice to my younger self.  Never get angry with anyone on anything.  Have so much faith in yourself.  Always be ready to handle whatever happens.  But whatever you do, do it with all your heart.  There will be many ways to choose from.  Whatever path you take, take it carefully.  Consultants will meet many, do this, do not do this.  But remember, the path you have chosen for yourself, you yourself have to walk on it.  You have to learn how to solve your own problems.  But one thing is certain.  Don't blame anyone else for your troubles and difficulties.  Because, for your every difficulty, and every trouble, you must have the answer.

A Piece Of Advice To My Younger Self #WriteAPageADay #pebbleinwaterswrites @blogchatter

Photo credit: Howard J Duncan on

Whatever decision you take, take it with all your heart and mind. Then, even if it turns out to be a wrong decision later, no one else will be responsible for that. You won't have to point finger on anybody else.  Whatever you did, you did it after deciding on your own.  Whatever it results into, right or wrong, it is yours.  Accept it with full grace. If it is good, it is yours.  And even if it is bad, it is still yours.

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