Religion Magazine

A Picture of the Father

By Mba @mbartoloabela

God the Father paternally consoles us when we are sad, He gives us His peace when we are fearful. He restores hope and light in our souls when everything around us is relentlessly falling to pieces and we are about to despair. He opens doors for us we would never consider, let alone open, by ourselves.

He gives us His infinite love when we do not deserve an ounce of it and keeps on repeatedly forgiving us, no matter how much we keep wounding Him as long as we repent sincerely. Our Father actively participates in our lives, divinizing them, when we allow Him to enter into every aspect of our earthly lives by opening our hearts to Him.

He provides us with warmth and shelter even when we have not earned it. He puts food on our tables even though we seem to ruthlessly enjoy destroying everything He creates. He clothes and protects us in every way, keeping us safe and healthy, although we are severely wasteful and rebellious.

The Father brings us gently back into His Divine Heart every time we stray into dangerous territory, ensuring we are not lost both in the present and in eternity. This is a true picture of who our Father is in our daily lives: the Eternal God of providence, mercy and love that is true life.

(Source: The Divine Heart of God the Father, 2nd rev. ed.).

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