Debate Magazine

A Note from Nachman

Posted on the 15 April 2016 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
I received an email this morning from my old Daily Kos friend, Nachman, concerning A Note to Ollie Benn at SFSU Hillel.
Nachman thinks that Jewish kids need to learn how to kick ass and I know, for certain, Jon Segall, who practices Krav Maga, agrees entirely... despite the fact that he would argue, mistakenly, that we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum.
Nachman writes:
I see you’re getting there, landsman. You’re making the same journey I did.
Gut Yontiff. :-)
This was my response:
What can anyone say?
In a certain kind of way, I suppose that I owe Daily Kos a favor. It was those guys who taught me about anti-Semitic anti-Zionism.
And I definitely think that organizations like Hillel need to get more muscular.
"Intifada! Intifada! Long live the intifada!"
Universities around the country support anti-Jewish anti-Israel organizations like the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) that quite literally calls for the murder of Jews. I mean, really, what is an intifada aside from an attempt to kill Jews?
Some kids on American campuses are calling for the murder of Jews and the administrations are funding this.
This is no joke.
Sometimes when I speak to friends about this I get a shrug. Ya know, they're just college students. Yup. They are just college students who will one day run the country with an anti-Jewish anti-Israel bias because the western-left has provided a home for people who despise Israel.
To hell with that.
We need pro-Israel pro-Jewish organizations like Hillel to stand up.
If the Jewish people will not stand up for themselves, nobody is going to do it for us.
Who are we going to count on, Barack Obama? The "first Jewish president." 
I do not know Ollie Benn at all and he has only been on the job for a relatively short period of time.
I just hope that he knows how to throw a punch. Astren does, but seems reluctant to do so.

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