There are certain nights that Mrs. E. and I don’t venture out, St. Patrick’s Day and New Year’s Eve (usually) spring to mind. Valentine’s Day is a foregone conclusion. Too hard to get a booking, menus too planned, and restaurants far too crowded. People do dress a little better, and I do miss seeing that though.
So this year, as in year’s past, I’ll try and put something celebratory together involving at least one of Mrs. E.’s favorites. Perhaps a grilled fish and salad? Grass-fed steaks? Seared scallops? I’m not sure. With the kitchen completely dismantled, it’s been an adventure cooking in the temporary “field kitchen” set up in the dining room. Think less Benihana, more Junior Year Dorm Room. I do know what we’ll have as an appetizer: Caviar (Siberian Sturgeon this year. American Hackleback and Paddlefish are good too!) And Champagne, of course. It may be too late to order in caviar from Marky’s or Amazon, but those are both reliable resources I use. I’m fortunate enough to have a Whole Foods a block away that usually stocks caviar, blini and Champagne. There’s some of each in the relocated-to-the-bar room refrigerator now.
If you’re spending the night in remember, small treats can be almost as enjoyable as a grand gesture.
(N.B. I don’t receive any compensation for the links or purchases through the links in this post.)