Animals & Wildlife Magazine

A New Variegated Agave Attenuata from Tenerife

By Canarius

We grow a new variegated form of Agave attenuata with striped leaves. It is unique because it appeared in the Canary Islands from a normal plant. In 2004, the local plant grower Luís Borja obtained the original variegated branch from a plant grown in Tegueste, Northern Tenerife. Agave attenuata Tenerife is only reproduced by pups, so it takes a lot of time to make many plants.

We reproduced the plant on a small scale and it was released in 2010 with the name Tenerife.

Agave attenuata Tenerife is a very stable variegated clone of Agave attenuata. Stripes are yellow, often close to the margins but sometimes scattered anywhere in the blade. Leaves are particularly waxy.

Variegated Agave attenuata Tenerife

Variegated Agave attenuata Tenerife

Agave attenuata Tenerife is a good grower if compared to other variegated types of  Agave attenuata, because it is quite fast growing and it will seldom or never burn in full sun.

Agave attenuata variegata Tenerife

Agave attenuata variegata Tenerife

You can buy rooted pups of this succulent plant in the Agave Shop, at

The following pictures show normal, non-varigated pictures of Agave attenuata, which is a widespread ornamental plant in the Canary Islands,

Normal Agave attenuata in Tenerife

Normal Agave attenuata in Tenerife

Agave attenuata Clump

Clump of a typical, non-variegated Agave attenuata

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