Books Magazine

A New Blogging Adventure

By Hannahreadsstuff
come and see me at ponder pieces!

come and see me at ponder pieces!

My words have packed up their little word suitcases and are moving!

For a while now I have wanted to expand on the topics I cover on my blog, but having named this blog Hannah READS Stuff I felt I had locked myself pretty firmly into what I could post about.

I LOVE writing about books, but I have always felt lost after watching a particularly good film, ingesting an amazing TV series, or gorging myself silly on some new cereal bar or other – I didn’t feel I had a place to rattle on about them properly and my love (or bemusement) for them floated away unrecorded.

Writing about film or TV in a blog that was set up and named to cater for books felt wrong and dirty.

My initial aim for Hannah Reads Stuff has also got a bit lost – I had initially set it up in order to read all the unread books I had cluttering up my shelves – but I very quickly slipped into writing about the new books I couldn’t stop buying and the review copies I was lucky enough to receive. This didn’t sit well with me and always made me feel like I was failing my little blog in some way.

Also, there are just too many blogs out there with similar names to mine and I needed to think of something that wasn’t all “stuff” and “things”.

So I welcome you all to join me over at Ponderous Pieces where I shall be digesting all my cultural meals and the day-to-day adventure-snacks life throws at me.  I will be reviewing most of the books, films, TV, art shows, music and other fancy trappings I ingest. There will also be room for more nonsensical light bites as well as more grumble-inducing stodge.

I am not going to close Hannah Reads Stuff as such, I have yet to decide if I’ll continue to post my book reviews here as well, but for the time being I’ll be over at PP making a meal out of things.

I hope you come and visit!

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