Gardening Magazine

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

By Kate_miller

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

A gifted bouquet ~ One of the many perks to hosting Thanksgiving.

I have a laundry list of things to do and at the very top of it should be... laundry. (Don't ya just hate the day after a long and lovely holiday weekend? When all of life must return to normal.)

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

Entertaining guests can be exhausting.

Laundry. My second most hated task on the planet.

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

Shopping for holiday gifts can be equally tiresome.

Vacuuming weighs in at #1 on the Damn! I hate to do this! scale. It's on today's dreary to-do list, too.
I'd vaccuum every day if some brilliant mind would simply invent a totally silent vacuum cleaner. Whenever I see a Dyson commercial I find myself hollering at the guy on the tv. In high hopes he might hear me and stop worrying about suction.

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

Paper Yellows ~ as fragrant as the more common Paper Whites.

Speaking of t.v. We had a simply marvelous, couldn't be better, Thanksgiving. I hope you did, too. 

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

Who dares bring THIS to my party?

Burning This and That:
Playing hooky from the usual obligations, daughter L and I bustled about the kitchen... From the moment we woke up, until the second we plopped down... to enjoy that Go Ahead, Loosen Your Belt meal.
Complete with a homemade pecan pie! Not this atrocity featured on the right. Homestyle my eye...
Afterwards we watched t.v. The last time we laid around the living room watching bad movies was 2 years ago. On Christmas Day. Which was the last time we bagged our obligations and hunkered down for some serious laziness.

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

Store Bought Pie Perp

Holidays are always fun.
But, they can also be difficult.
So many expectations. So little time. Everyone expecting you to attend their party. Instead of the 6 or 7 other parties you've been invited to.
It makes me feel guilty. Over digging in my heels and doing my own thing. I'm not Catholic but I wonder if should be... I carry enough guilt to qualify for the nunnery. Though I highly doubt they'd accept me. (Given past sins.)
In spite of my silly fretting I will say... last Thursday was a most wonderful time. And, I think we've started a brand new tradition. Of doing absolutely nuttin.

A Most Wonderful Guilty Time

It's fun to do your own thing.

Follow @Kate_HAGardens

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