A Milo p-update!
Get to know my puppy...
Oh it’s been quite some time since I devoted a day's post all to my furry little companion, hasn't it? Today I thought I’d check in with you all and bring you a Milo ‘p-update’. Somehow, this mischievous pooch is already almost nine months old and, my oh my, has he developed quite the personality! I post fairly frequent 140 character updates on him over on my Twitter account and he of course has Instagram but let’s delve a little deeper into the absolute star of my everyday life, shall we?
A haircut!
Leave it to me to be Mama to the world’s hairiest dog. As a cross between a Maltese and a Shih-Tzu, Milo is quite the fluffy little one. We groom him three times daily - once in the morning, another post-walk and again before bed - and regularly spot clean his face for his tear-staining. He also goes for monthly grooms as well. If anybody has any tips for removing and preventing tear staining, please do let us know!Leaves
Milo loves the autumn. Whilst I shiver and take it slowly in the mornings, he revels in the crisp and cool air and just adores bounding around on the grass, disturbing fallen leaves as he darts this way and that. These days I just love watching his face as his nose sniffs the fresh air, his eyes close and he sits there, tongue and tail wagging as he honestly, truly believes that leaves blowing in the wind are chasing him! Too adorable.

Soft toys
I have the world’s most spoiled puppy and I’m kinda okay with that. Of his many many toys, Kongs, chew toys and my plushies, his favourites are a hot dog squeak toy, a donut squeak toy, a little raccoon and his very first little chicken squeak toy. Can you see a pattern forming here? He goes totally wild for tennis balls in the garden and is more than happy running off-lead with no toys at all, but at home he just loves squeaking away. I’m pretty much immune to that sound now.Commands
Since my last Milo p-update, he’s mastered several more commands! He is honestly such a smart cookie and it’s kinda hilarious. He can now sit, give us his paw, give us his other paw, stand, lie down and pop his face through a hole if you make one with your hands. I think he’ll be able to roll over soon as he just loves having his belly rubbed! Another cute ‘trick’ is that he taps on the cupboard next to his water bowl if he thinks it’s not ‘full enough’ for me. This cheeky git…

Milo LOVES walks now, like I mentioned before. Previously we struggled to even get him further than the length of our drive but he is SUCH an outdoors guy. Nowadays he has a 4k walk in the morning followed by a 2.5k walk in the evening if he’s still got plenty of energy in him. (Thank God for Pokemon Go, eh?)So, there’s a few words on the Prince of our household! Why not introduce me to your furry companions in the comments below?