Fashion Magazine

A Love Affair with Thisworks Clean Skin

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush


this works clean skin daily wash  (originally in Jan Feel Unique box) – thisworks clean skin gentle cleanser (120ml) can be bought from thisworks, Feel Unique and BeautyBay for £19

I got this wee sample of cleanser in the January Feel Unique box –remember those?- and to be honest, it wasn’t a product I was excited to try; I was distracted by the salt scrubs and the posh Caudalie moisturiser. The poor thing literally sat in an empty box for weeks –literally started using it a couple of weeks ago- awaiting the day when my Clinique liquid soap ran out. Alas, my Clinique soap is no more and I was forced to unveil my back up plan, in the form of the thisworks clean skin daily wash – it feels wrong not having any capitals in that product title.

I love the scent of this face wash, I’m so used to slathering un-perfumed Clinique products on my face I forgot what it was like to use a nice smelling cleanser –not that I dislike you for it Clinique, I will love you dearest forever. I’m not sure what the smell actually is but to me it smells a little gingery, which I like. The formula is not as thick as the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, but seems a little thicker than your average creamy cleanser, and has a slightly more gel-like consistency to it –God who knows, I’m no professional this is literally coming from the top of my head.

Applied to damp skin the cleanser does not foam but I like how it glides so easily all over my face. It is a none drying cleanser and I’ve noticed it takes a good few rinses to clear but I don’t like to splash my face too much with cold water as it’s just not necessary man. Once my face has been patted dry my skin doesn’t feel tight, nor does it look red and blotchy which I find some cleansers do to me. This may be down to the olive oils in the product, I’m guessing so.

It claims to remove all traces of make up, but I have not tried this as of yet; I find it a good morning cleanser to remove traces of all the greasy stuff I apply at night. I keep my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish for removing make up, and I like something a little more fresh feeling in the mornings. To me, this product is so perfect, and instead of using my No7 voucher to buy a new cleanser for £4, I am actually going to purchase a thisworks full size cleanser –online buying only means one thing, dedication. I cannot find this exact cleanser on the thisworks website, but I am assuming that the clean skin gentle cleanser is the same product as it holds the same ingredients and is from the clean skin range. In fact, I wouldn’t mind trying the rest of the range..

Has anyone else used this product? Or any other thisworks recommendations?

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