Lifestyle Magazine

A Letter to the Someones.

By Prettylittlemrs @PrettyLittleMrs


Dear Someone,

Life’s a Journal is the happiest accident of my life (at least so far). When I started it, almost 4 years ago, I certainly didn’t expect it to become anything. But I’m so thankful that it did.

Anyone who has ventured into the virtual abyss of online writing knows, it isn’t easy. It’s hard not to give up—-there are plenty of reasons to quit and often few reasons to persevere.

Sure, I can pat myself on the back for my ability to toss together post, after post, after post even if few people would read them. Or my determination to write year after year, even when page-views were less than impressive. And of course, high five to me for marrying a computer nerd, who has seen me through my fair share of technical difficulties and wordpress-induced mental breakdowns over the years (what a trooper). Yes, enthusiastic- fist-pumps to all of that—but in the end it’s the people on the other side of the internet (that’s you)  that make any blogger….no matter how big, or how small….feel like what they do is worth something to someone.

And to all those someones I say thank you.  Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for sticking with me when I had no idea what I was doing. And most of all Thank You for the incredible adventure you started me on all those years, and all those posts, ago.

This adventure has taken me a lot of places—places I definitely never thought I would venture. And while it has been an absolutely amazing ride, I have started to feel like Life’s a Journal is no longer the perfect home for me and my work. And so,  this chapter of life comes to an end, and a new one begins…


So watch for the launch of my new site next week. I’ll share the big news here, obviously, since this is where it all began. And I hope you’ll be there—to send me off on this new adventure with pats on the back, high fives, enthusiastic fist pumps and maybe a bottle or ten of champagne.


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