Lifestyle Magazine

A Letter To My Five Year Old On Her Fifth Birthday

By Cait @caitscozycorner
A Letter To My Five Year Old On Her Fifth BirthdayI still cannot believe I have a five year old! Phew, I said it out loud this morning. The one thing I adore about having this blog is that I'm able to look back over years of moments with my kids in this location. I may not have a baby book of newborn items of my first born, but I do have this blog to remind me of the big and little milestones we've overcome in her short five years here on earth.
For those interested here is her birthday review and awesome party themes at four years old, three years old and two years old )
My Dearest Sweet Lily,
A Letter To My Five Year Old On Her Fifth Birthday
I almost said "little Lily" as I used to call you that when you were much smaller but its clear today that you are growing into a young lady and on your way to big things! This year was a big one for you. We decided to leave our home in Atlanta and move our family to my hometown of Chicago ( where you were actually born and lived for a year before we moved south so you don't remember much).
You've grown so much in the last year from beginning a new school, to adapting to meeting new friends and neighbors, having family members minutes away and learning to navigate having a younger sibling on the go ( or rather RUNNING after you now ).
A Letter To My Five Year Old On Her Fifth BirthdayLast year we threw you a candy birthday party and even though you still love all the gummy worms, starbursts and lollipops you can find, I'm excited to throw you a Fancy Nancy party for your love of dresses, sparkles, ballet shoes and gasp, tights!
A Letter To My Five Year Old On Her Fifth Birthday
I hope this year brings you everything you want. I'm still in disbelief you will be going to Kindergarten in the fall but you're so excited to get to go to a 'big kid school' that I know you'll be just fine. You're moving mountains kid and I can't wait to be at every soccer game, every parent teacher conference, every school performance and cheering on you on every side line!
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