Lifestyle Magazine

A Letter To Me "BEFORE" You

By Cait @caitscozycorner

Letter Dear Me,
I know you're fantasizing about life with kids. The snuggles. The true smell of a fresh clean baby after bath time. Those adorable giggles and sweet open mouth slobbery kisses. Take it all in. Because it's also so much more than those moments.
It's a lot of hard work. It's patience you never knew existed within you because you're child is having a melt down over the crust not being cut the right way ( or is it off this week because we keep changing our minds every other second ).  It's counting to 10 to try not to argue back with your 5 year old over something so insignificant that you can't even understand why you're attempting to argue back in the first place.
Exhaustion hits every few hours and your husband wonders why you go to bed so early. Well- one true reason. Motherhood. It's not the endless Netflix shows, the clean and gleaming house, the laundry put away and folded neatly because you have all the time in the world. There are small glimpses of that here and there but it's truly just an endless cup of coffee mentality.
Letter You have doubts every other minutes. Are you making the right choice? Are you feeding them the right food? Are you taking care of them the best you can? Did you plan enough activities for them to be exhausted by the end of the day so they'll sleep? Are you watching too much TV because you're trying to balance working from home, answering e-mails, planning content all while cooking ( and sometimes burning ) dinner while your children fight in the playroom over the same toy.
You learn a lot about yourself when you become a Mom. When you start to feel overwhelmed, you become panicked and judgment gets cloudy. So you call your husband to calm you down and talk it out because he's not dealing with the tornado that's surrounding you but can guide you out of the fog.
I"m teaming up with a few of my other favorite bloggers to share their story about before having kids so be sure to check them out below!
What's one thing you've learned about becoming a parent?
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