When little Izebella came home from School last night, she was so happy to see a letter with her name on it. This letter came with an official North Pole stamp and was from the big guy - Father Christmas his self.

Father Christmas knows all about Izebella. He knows she lives in Bolton, a place that he likes to visit first when dropping the presents off, he even knows the name of Izebellas friend and what presents she wants this year. Izebella even got her own nice child certificate for being so good and has proudly made it onto Santa's nice list.
Izebella can't read the big letter herself as she can only read small books with bigger letters, so I read it to her and her little face lit up with delight.
The elves and Santa even sent Izebella a few activities to do before the big day.

Lots of things to make a colour in.
These special letters come straight from The Lapland mailroom. Each letter is made just for every individual child with names, places and wanted gifts. Santa knows everything.
Letters start from £8.95 each.