Self Expression Magazine

A Lady Of Her Own Style

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

A Lady Of Her Own Style

I am not into all of that name-brand shit as a trend- I had all of those things growing up.

As long as I am clean, my clothes are of quality, and of the taste I prefer I am completely satisfied.

My mother kept me pristine as a child and kept me decked out as I was her little baby girl.

When I rode the school bus a few girls were jealous of the fancy gear my mother had sent me off in and they made it known by their envious talk.

I was just an innocent kid wearing clothes that my loving parent bought for me- but I learned early about the green-eyed monster.

I was always attracted to beauty. I had my own sense of style, an eye for what looked good.

I could pick out stylish home decor along with everything else that had sparked an interest within me. Whatever it was it would be elegant.

I had a knack for great judgment!

When it came to the summer, I liked to wear designer shorts/capris, skirts and jumper-skirts.

I became very conservatively appareled into adulthood. I was naturally comfortable and classy. I had my own fashionable style but nowhere near old-fashioned.

I was never a high-heeled, flashy dresses-wearing girl.

I liked my slacks, jeans, t-shirts or button-down shirts.

I was never too crazy about clothes during my teenage years and as I got older, yet I always dressed nicely.

I am not, nor was I ever, a materialistic person though I had wonderful material things throughout the years since my childhood.

A Lady Of Her Own Style

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