Gardening Magazine

A Jumbo Wildlife Garden

By Danielcarruthers

elephant at blackpool zooWhen I read that Blackpool Zoo is creating a sustainable wildlife garden that will be fertilised by elephant poo, it reminded me of a story my mother used to tell me about my grandfather. As a child, if the circus came to town, she and my uncle would be sent out to follow the elephants with a bucket and spade to pick up any droppings. Grandpa was convinced that it was the very best of all manures for the garden and would reward their efforts with tickets to the circus. It will be interesting to see how the zoos plants respond to the manure – with the three elephants pooing up to 18 times a day there will be no shortage in home produced organic fertiliser.  Blackpool Zoo’s garden is being created as an educational project for the zoo’s visitors.

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