The idea the with using a home trainer is to improve your physical fitness. Physical fitness affects the body’s physiological functioning, overall health and motor skill related to aspects such as agility, balance, and speed. A home-trainer is at hand; to help with exercises and there is no need to go to a fitness center or gyml.
Are there any equivalents to home training your thinking fitness?
There are some training program for brain fitness, like the ones from PositHealth, BrainTrain or Lumosity
However, there are some doubts about the claims these programs have on improving cognitive functioning. In an article by Steven Novella in Science Based Medicine, the bottom-line recommendations were:
- Engaging in various types of cognitively demanding tasks is probably a good thing.
- Try to engage in novel and various different types of tasks. These do not have to be computer-based.
- Find games that you genuinely find fun – don’t make it a chore, and don’t overdo it.
- Don’t spend lots of money on fancy brain-training programs with dramatic claims.
- Don’t believe the hype.
In addition: To us it seems that existing brain fitness exercises are derived from cognitive tests. Therefore, it is not surprising that cognitive skills, as defined by the tests, improves.
In our opinion cognitive tests do not reflect thinking as referring to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts.
In Thinkibility Ultimately Explained we stated that Thinkibility is a bit football-ity, similar to something shown by great football stars. It is not just agility and ball control. Nor velocity, or skill. It is more, much more. It has something to do with thinking movements, the ability to manipulate your thoughts or virtuosity in it.
Are there any Thinkibility home trainers?
We have found one site that focuses on improving your Thinking and we regularly use. But we will save that for another post. In the meantime, try out some of the mentioned brain trainers. Be aware that in summer holidays your Intelligent Quotient can decrease with several points. It seems that for the brain as well as the body: Use it or lose it. But we also need to rest and reload the batteries.