Fashion Magazine
So last week I was off sick. If you follow me on twitter you would have heard me moaning about it... sorry about that! Its not like I was dying, I had flu like everyone else at the moment, but boy did it knock me out. On Saturday I woke up feeling shivery and exhausted... and then had to go to a black tie event that evening, not ideal. I woke up on Sunday with a cough, fever and feeling generally crap... which stuck around all week, joy!Anyway, this got me thinking about wellbeing... health, life, and all the bits in between. I know a lot of us spend our days rushing - be it at work, at home, for others, for ourselves. I know I spend too much time working... and thinking about work, despite my best efforts otherwise. But not only is this not good for our mental health, it has a clear impact on physical health too.Sleeping. Seems like an obvious one, but lack of it has such a huge impact on me. On a smaller scale, when I'm tired I am not a nice person to be around! But more seriously, when I've not had enough sleep, or am particularly overtired, it has a real effect on my health. In the past I've developed colds, flu and even hives when I've been severely overtired. Now I know, there are often other factors involved, but for me sleep is the one. A lack of sleep can really make me feel crap, but similarly when I am ill, sleep is what can make me feel a whole lot better. Clear your diary, turn off the lights, shut the curtains and turn off your alarm. Try and have one day a week (Saturday for me) when you can do this. Drinking. No, I'm not talking about alcohol. I have a confession to make - I am absolutely useless at keeping hydrated. I often get to the end of the day and realize all I've had to drink is a glass of apple juice with breakfast. Not good. We've all heard that a lot of the time when people think they're hungry, they are in fact just thirsty. I definitely think this applies to a lot of my hunger delusions! So, what, we eat when we don't need to? It's more than that. Staying hydrated is hugely important, and not doing so can cause a whole range of problems - from headaches to nose bleeds, and dry skin to UTIs. It can also lead to tiredness and mood swings, things I would say I definitely suffer from. So I'm trying my best to drink more (between 1.5 and 2 litres a day), particularly at work, in an attempt to stay physically and mentally on top of things. Eat right. Again, an obvious one, but easy to forget about when you're busy. Its so easy to grab fish and chips, or bung a ready meal in the oven and forget about getting a balanced diet. Making sure you get veggies into your meal, don't overload on fats and sugars and getting protein and the right nutrients is more simple than you think. Steaming your veg is a huge one for me - it makes sure you don't drain the goodness out of them, and keeps them nice and crunchy rather than a soggy mess. I try to make a batch of things like bolognese or a big fish pie that I can freeze and then can easily defrost it when I need a quick dinner. Trying to preempt the times you will be busy and wont have time to cook means you wont end up turning to something unsatisfying and miss out on the goodness of a decent meal. If you miss out on important nutrients or vitamins in your diet, make sure you get the right intake with the right supplements. So, why did I bother with this? I suppose it's a reflection more than anything - looking at the areas of my health/lifestyle that I could work on. Being ill is horrible, but trying to keep healthy and happy can be easier than you think. And it's not just about physical health, as they say, a healthy body means a healthy mind! Now, I'm no angel. I like indulging in the odd greasy burger, slutty brownie and a carb-fest carbonara, but try to keep these as occasional treats and have them alongside a balanced diet.Are you effected by any of these as I am? Anyone else find a lack of sleep can have such a huge impact as it does on me?
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