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A Guide to Responsible Dog Training

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog training

A responsible dog owner will want to guide and train his puppy into maturing into a well-mannered adult dog they he can be proud of, and one that everyone will admire, love and wish to own. It’s very important to be consistent with house rules so that the dog won’t be confused. Not allowing him to do something one day and then allowing it the next may result in the formation of stress-induced behavior.

Joseph Biggins, founder of Good Dog Training, talked about how to “put a muzzle on bad habits before they become a problem” in a recent article from Scoop Business.

“Make sure you are consistent with your four legged friend from the very start, for instance if you don’t want your fully grown dog to sit on the couch, don’t allow it to sit on the couch when it is a puppy. Consistency teaches your dog boundaries, which then becomes habit.”

“As a dog trainer, most of what I do involves training the owners rather than the pets,” [...] “You could have a perfectly trainable, smart dog in your home, but because of inconsistent training, he or she may not understand the desired behavior you wish to see.” [source]

All areas of obedience training require continual reinforcement to ensure that both you and your dog stay sharp. Make training a game so that your pet will think it’s fun and not a chore or punishment. You never know, with patience and fun training, your dog will be as awesome as Jumpy:


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