Expat Magazine

A Friday Rant About Technology

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

view of Porto from Taylor’s Port Cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia

This is where I was yesterday afternoon, the patio at Taylor’s Port Wine Cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia, soaking up the sunshine and the view. Not that you can tell by this picture, but I was also wilfully ignoring the fact that technology has been conspiring against me this whole week. I have posts sitting in draft, unpublished because of:

  1. Website host issues (mostly HTTP error 503);
  2. Plugins failing, then having to search for replacements (rather unsuccessfully, I might add);
  3. One of my external drives reporting disk errors, turning it into a Read-Only drive. I didn’t lose any files, but I have lost a spirit-crushing amount of time and speed. At 3TB, the corrupted drive is my largest. I had to back up files somewhere else, reformat the drive, copy the files back, and now deal with the major slowdown of my computer as Time Machine does a full backup of my hard drive (1TB) to the 3TB external drive. It is very slow right now.

Technology, sabotaged by technology! Those three issues have been ongoing this entire week, testing my patience. I hope once this full backup is finished (tomorrow?), I can get back to normal.

In the meantime, since all rants must conclude with something else, I must tell you what else is not in this picture: Ice the Dog lying down and relaxing on the terrace, with his face shoved in a plastic bag of dog food that I brought along. Yes, I have The Laziest Dog in the World — so lazy that he can’t even be bothered to eat standing up.

Happy Friday!

view of Porto from Taylor’s Port Cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia

October 22, 2015
Album: Portugal [Autumn 2015]

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