Entertainment Magazine

A Fistful Of Questions With Johni Holiday From Ruff Majik

Posted on the 25 December 2023 by Ripplemusic
A Fistful Of Questions With Johni Holiday From Ruff Majik Moth eater.Big Cheese.Pianist.Guitarist. Vocalist.This edition of Fistful of Questions goes out to Ruff Majik frontman Johni Holiday. What is your full name?

Johnathan Harland Holiday

Do you have any aliases?

Johni Holiday (but that's just shorthand)

If you had an alias what might it be?

The Big Cheese

What bands are you actively involved with?

Only Ruff Majik.

What was the first instrument that you played?

Piano actually, and badly too. It's helped me with writing a lot in later years though.

Tell me about one of your first musical memories?

Hearing Nirvana belt from my older sister's room and wondering what they were so sad about - I got it later though.

What was the name of the first band you were in?

Reaper In Pink (or R.I.P. for short, but we didn't think anyone would like that name ��). We were high school punks with colourful skinny jeans in a tow where you'd get beat up for wearing anything other than khakis.

Tell me about the genesis of Ruff Majik.

Me and my best buddy Jimmy grew up together. The town was conservative and weird, and we just wanted to make noise, so badly played (and worse composed) punk felt like the way to go. Eventually, we slowed down our tunes and transitioned from punk to like "garage doom", and then we sped it back up and became whatever the fuck we are now. Moved to the big city to make it big, wasted 3 years working dead end jobs before we went full tilt into 'just being in a band', and here we are.

What inspired the name Ruff Majik?

It was a newspaper headline, but spelled correctly. We thought we might make it 'Magik' to sound more esoteric. Turns out there was a pilot episode for a failed "Call Of Cthulu" show with the same name, so we just completely mangled the spelling. Turned out well, we're search engine optimized to the max.

How long did it take you to write and record Elektrik Ram?
A Fistful Of Questions With Johni Holiday From Ruff Majik

Too damn long. Lots of infighting and personnel changes slowed us down. But it did also contribute to what we got out of it, so two years well spent I guess?

If you could insert yourself into any one band what band would it be and why?

Probably Weedeater - those dudes look like they have a good time on the road.

Have you ever heard a song and immediately wished you had written it? If so... What was the song and artist?

Yeah, "Seratonia - Highly Suspect"

Do you have any non-metal/rock musical inspirations?

Sure I do. Anyone who claims not to is either a liar or just averse to enjoying themselves.

What's a pop song that you'd like to do a cover of?

Been wanting to do a southern rock cover of "Hey Ya" and call it "Hey Y'all" for years, but it's never made sense when actually laid down.

What band have you played with that has really impressed you with their live show?

Every South African band ever - we go hard down here.

Do you have a favorite venue to play at?

In South Africa, no. In Europe, probably Feierwerk in Munich, but every time we go we find a new cool place.

Do you have a pre-show ritual?

Yeah we all chant an ancient curse over an unopened beer, and then flip coins to see who gets to drink it.

What is your favorite thing about touring?

The long hours on the road and lack of sleep. Also the excited crowds full of happy people.

What is your least favorite thing about touring?

The long hours on the road and lack of sleep. Also the excited crowds full of happy people.

Is there a city that you love to hit while on tour?
A Fistful Of Questions With Johni Holiday From Ruff Majik

Not a city so much, but we love Ede in the Netherlands - 'cause our man Twan is the coolest guy on the planet.

What's the weirdest experience you've had on the road?

Last August we found out we inadvertently started a cult based off of our tune 'All You Need Is Speed'. Got crowned at a ceremony and everything. Working diligently on starting more of those.

The year is 2005. Where are you at and what are you listening to?

I'm 13, standing at the hubbly (read "hookah pipe" and then google if you have to) at some girls house party, having (what should've been my first) brandy and coke. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance is blasting over the shittiest-sticker-adorned-CD Player ever conceived of in a boardroom. Life was good.

What advice would you give young musicians that are just starting out in the music business?

Keep your head firmly on your shoulders - I'm 30/31 now, and also just starting out in the music business - there's always more you can learn.

What is an absolute band killer?

Inflated egos.You headlined a bar and got an encore? Good for you bud, but I ain't making space for you on the cross just yet.

Have you ever recorded a song that you really didn't like, but somebody else in the band really did?

Nope - every single thing we've ever done was stuff I thought was amazing at the time. However, a lot of times our skill level didn't match our enthusiasm - but we're working on repairing that.

If you were to start your own music festival what would be the name of that festival and who would be the three headlining bands?

Majik Palooza, and it'd just be us playing for 5 hours. But nah, it'd probably be some contrived name like 'Stone Age Fest' and we'd get All Them Witches, QOTSA and Cypress Hill to Headline.

What's the longest time you've gone without bathing?

When my panic disorder reached full peak it was probably about two weeks, 'cause I was terrified that I'd get a heart attack in the shower. Brains man, magical meatballs with the power to make you think you're dying - wild.

What's one thing that most people don't know about you?

I once ate a moth as a kid, nearly suffocated. Don't eat moths.

Is the Fistful of DOOM show in the top 10 of your favorite music podcasts?
A Fistful Of Questions With Johni Holiday From Ruff Majik

Yes (and no offense), but only because I've listened to a grand total of 5 podcasts in my life.

Do unicorns sleep standing up?

I suppose I'd imagine them to sleep laying down on a bed of candy floss clouds.

Give me three albums that I should listen to immediately, if not sooner.

1. Gnome - King

2. Slow Joy - Soft Slam

3. Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol - Burger Time Classics

You're driving cross-country and you can only listen to one album the whole time. What album will it be?

The Best Of James Brown.

You are writing a book about your life thus far. What is the title of that book?

"Kissing Toads To Find My Prince - The Johni Holiday Chronicles".

What is your favorite song by Taylor Swift?

champagne problems

Slipknot or Rammstein (if you had to choose)?


Doobies or Boobies (if you had to pick one)?

I've got a fairly good set of boobies myself, so I'll go for those.

Waffles or Pancakes (if you had to pick one)?

In South Africa, pancakes refer to what you guys might call crêpes. Thin, filled with ice-cream / minced meat depending on what you're going for. Absolutely delicious.I'd pick waffles.

Star Wars or Star Trek (if you had to choose)?
A Fistful Of Questions With Johni Holiday From Ruff Majik

Never cared much for either, but I've seen more from the Star Wars universe, so I'd pick that.

Favorite band t-shirt you own?

It was my Kvelertak shirt, but it got torn off my body as I rolled out of a moving car to escape certain death during an armed-hijacking, precisely one year ago. So now it's my oversized Britney Spears t-shirt.

Favorite meal?

Burgers. Medium rare, with cheese and a truffle aioli.

Favorite book?

Soul Music by Terry Pratchett.

Favorite movie?

The Darjeeling Limited / Planet Terror - two way tie.

Favorite album?

No such thing, I love all albums equally.

Favorite video game?

I don't play video games really, so it'd probably be whatever I played last, which was Brütal Legend.

Favorite Professional Wrestler?

Does the Undertaker still exist? If so, him.

Massive thank you to Johni for taking the time to answer my questions.I appreciate you taking the time to do so.The rest of you should do yourselves a favor, and click on the link so generously provided below.What you'll find on the other end is Ruff Majik's exquisite new album Elektrik Ram.You can thank me later.

~El Pedo Caliente (aka Uncle Jameson from the Fistful of DOOM show)


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