Entertainment Magazine

A Fistful Of Questions With Jay Anderson

Posted on the 14 November 2022 by Ripplemusic
A Fistful Of Questions With Jay Anderson People of earth and those from parts unknown it is my great pleasure to present to you this installment of Fistful of Questions featuring drummer Jay Anderson.

Jay Anderson

Some people call me Pants.

What bands are you actively involved with?

I'm lucky that on top of UWUW, I play with Biblical, Badge Epoque Ensemble, Lammping, Marker Starling, Sap, Nyssa, and others

What was the first instrument that you played?

Drums. I tried to play other stuff but I found it really hard.

Tell me about one of your first musical memories?

Loving the psychedelic Wolfman segments on the "Hilarious House Of Frightenstine"

What was the name of the first band you were in?

The Egnevtons. We had songs about Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, did an Eric's Trip cover and I fronted the band when we did The Beastie Boys "Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun". All the bands we played with sounded like the album "Ten". You can only imagine how good we sounded.

Tell me about the genesis of UWUW.

I had always wanted to make music with Ian Blurton and was excited it got to happen. We added musicians as we went. First up was Jason Haberman. Once that was secured we made what we thought was some solid stuff. We then got Jay Hay to write horn arrangements. Tom Richards and Patric McGroarty joined in to form a full section. After that we enlisted the genius of Christopher A. Cummings and Drew Smith to add lyrics and unbelievable melody to these wordless jams.

What inspired the name UWUW?

Naming bands is the drizzling shits. Ian had the idea of naming the band "Um Wah, Um Woh" after a song by Hotlegs who later became 10cc. I looked at it and the UWUW jumped out at me. I just said we can pronounce it "You-You". English as a language has no rules so why not?

How long did it take you to write and record UWUW's self-titled debut release?

Almost 4 years.

If you could insert yourself into any one band what band would it be and why?

If there is a band I love, I'm sure there is nothing I could add that would make it better.

A Fistful Of Questions With Jay Anderson

Have you ever heard a song and immediately wished you had written it?If so... What was the song and artist?

The Electrician by Scott Walker

Who are some of your musical inspirations?

Sooo many. Curtis Mayfield, Kevin Ayres, Todd Rundgren, Caetano Veloso, Janet Jackson, Randy Newman, Charles Stepnay.

What's a metal song that you'd like to do a cover of?

If I could have the ability, technique wise, I'd play the entire album "Reign In Blood" but I'd take all of "Kill em All" as a consolation prize.

What band have you played with that has really impressed you with their live show?

Scooter Jay

Do you have a favorite venue to play at?

I love playing The Empty Bottle in Chicago

Do you have a pre-show ritual?

Make sure I've brushed my teeth

What is your favorite thing about touring?

Traveling and playing music nightly

What is your least favorite thing about touring?

When you catch yourself focusing on the fact you do all this insanity to work for 45 min-1 hour a night.

Is there a city that you love to hit while on tour?

Anyone that has people in it and come to show is good with me

What's the weirdest experience you've had on the road?

Playing in an instrumental surf band inFredericton. The stage is right by the front door and it's a bit elevated. This woman grabs the mic and starts singing while we're playing. She then goes over the railing in front of the stage crashing onto the merch table then out the door and into the night. The bartender said "her band is hear on Tuesday"

The year is 1994.Where are you at and what are you listening to?

Big year for me. I'm 16 in High School listing to a lot of college radio discovering so many new sounds that sent me on a amazing path

A Fistful Of Questions With Jay Anderson

What advice would you give young musicians that are just starting out in the music business?

Have fun. Worrying about anything else is out of your control and will drive you nuts

What is an absolute band killer?

A horrible attitude about everything

Have you ever recorded a song that you really didn't like, but somebody else in the band really did?


If you were to start your own music festival what would be the name of that festival and who would be the three headlining bands?

Forgot About Jay

Creedence Clearwater Revival


Funkadelic (original line up)

What's the longest time you've gone without bathing?

2 days and that's when I have no choice. I love being clean

What's one thing that most people don't know about you?

I'm in bed by 11:30 most nights.

Is the Fistful of DOOM show in the top 10 of your favorite music podcasts?


Do unicorns sleep standing up?


You're driving cross-country and you can only listen to one album the whole time.What album will it be?

Physical Graffiti

You are writing a book about your life thus far.What is the title of that book?

If You Will It

What is your favorite song by Gary Numan?

Listen To The Sirens by Tubeway Army

Our Lady Peace or Arcade Fire (if you had to choose)?

I read this as "Worst Snare Sound I've Ever Heard Recorded" or "Theater Kid Energy Overdrive".

Doobies or Boobies (if you had to pick one)?


A Fistful Of Questions With Jay Anderson

Waffles or Pancakes (if you had to pick one)?


Star Wars or Star Trek (if you had to choose)?

Star Wars

Favorite band t-shirt you own?

My Pharcyde t-shirt I got in '95

Burgers of all types

A Confederacy Of Dunces By John Kennedy Tool

Rolling Thunder

Abbey Road

Double Dragon

Favorite Professional Wrestler?

Rick Rude

Huge (with a "y" sound) thank you to Jay for taking the time to answer my questions.I appreciate it.The rest of you should follow the link below and pump the vibrant sounds of UWUW's (pronounced you-you) debut release in your ear holes.You can thank me later.

~El Pedo Caliente


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