Entertainment Magazine

A Fistful Of Questions With Adam R. Bryant

Posted on the 02 September 2024 by Ripplemusic
A Fistful Of Questions With Adam R. Bryant Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the mysterious Adam R. Bryant of Salt On Sunday, Cave Dweller, and Unfold.Enjoy! What is your full name?

Adam R. Bryant

Do you have any aliases?

Usually just silly ones under Pando

If you had an alias what might it be?

Jason Funderberker.

What bands are you actively involved with?

Used to be Pando (not sure if that's still going or not), Cave Dweller, Salt on Sunday, and Unfold. There's some other stuff I've been working on with people, but we aren't in the stage of knowing what to call it yet.

What was the first instrument that you played?


Tell me about one of your first musical memories?

There was this record store in one of the casinos my parents went to. I was pretty jazzed about buying my first album with my own money - Lateralus. I remember being really blown away by the booklet inside the jewel case because, up until that point, I thought those things were just for lyrics. I went through a big Alex Grey phase after that.

What was the name of the first band you were in?

I was in three bands at once that never got anywhere. One of them was Sea Baron. I was in some prog thing for a bit named after the dog from Cowboy Bebop, and then a tech-death band called Mortayka.

Tell me about the genesis of Salt On Sunday.

I'm a bit of a digital hoarder. I don't like to delete memories, and I have a lot of hard-drive space, so I'd come up with ideas for riffs or would be messing around with different recording techniques as I was learning to produce, and I'd just save things. But there was a bunch of stuff that didn't fit into any of the other projects I was working on - whether sonically, or conceptually. But the quality was there, and some of the material was just jammy, so it was actually enjoyable for me to listen to. A lot of the stuff I write for my other projects isn't "enjoyable" for me as an audience/listener - it's more of an outlet. I don't listen to anything I release normally, but I was going through some of the material and found myself actually saying, "Oh, this is actually kinda fun." I have this thing where if I'm not creating, I feel unproductive and stagnant too and the label I normally work with has been really busy - so I needed a project. After I felt like I had enough material that "worked" cohesively, the concept revealed itself.

What inspired the name Salt On Sunday?

My grandmother, who helped raise me, was born in Benevento in the regione campana. She had a lot of oddball ritualsand things that she brought with her, many of which I thought was just ridiculous Catholic superstitions, but after taking the time to research my family history, I found out that most of it had nothing to do with that and was more of a regional thing. There's a lot of rich folklore rooted in the area my family is from, and I think if my grandmother knew where her traditions actually came from, she wouldn't have been too happy about it (especially since her great grandmother was arrested and accused of witchcraft haha). One of the things she used to do was keep a bowl of salt on her counter. She used to dip the tomatoes from her garden in the bowl for a snack and throw it over her shoulder sometimes when my mother was around. Obviously, I was young, so I had no idea what she was doing, but my mom would complain about whatever was going on in her life and my grandmother would say something like "Come get your salt on Sunday." You're supposed to say it when you think you've passed a janara or someone gives you malocchio, so she was basically calling my mother a witch, which is funny as hell to me now.

How long did it take you to write and record A Docket of Votive Offerings?

Well, it's compiled with material I've had since the start of Pando, so well over 10 years now technically? But it's just because I haven't been able to use it in anything else. It's also kinda neat for me because a lot of the instruments and things I used during the recordings I don't own anymore. So there was a lot of sacrifice that was needed for quality and just accepting when things didn't work. I feel that fits the theme.

If you could insert yourself into any one band what band would it be and why?

Maybe Swans? Gira's kinda intimidating though. But mostly it'd just be nice to involve myself with someone who I have good chemistry with. I really do enjoy playing with people and I think solo-musicianship is really lonely. It's nice to just have fun and I think a lot of musicians have forgotten that you "play" music, you don't always need to "make" it.

Have you ever heard a song and immediately wished you had written it?If so... What was the song and artist?

Oh, man. That's a loaded question. There's a lot. Off the top of my head, the entire album of Scenery by Ryo Fukui. But if I could play piano that well, I wouldn't be making the music I make, I'd be playing jazz bars. Radiohead's "Where I End and You Begin" is up there. "The Greatest Show On Earth" by the Felice Brothers. Maybe "Crawl Back In" by Neurosis. And track 5 off the 2016 Oranssi Pazuzu album that I would totally butcher the spelling of. Oh! And "Forgotten Arrows" by Gorguts. Shit sounds like a ship sinking.

Do you have any non-metal musical inspirations?

My family is a big one. I like visual art, but I don't care to practice it, in part because my philosophy background ruined it for me. Haha I'm also a huge film nerd - film scores, camera direction, cinematography. I think I'm at the point now where I see something is put out by A24 and I'll watch it.

What's a non-metal song that you'd like to do a cover of?

"Any Day Now" by Laura Groves or "Drip Drip" by Comus.

What band have you played with that has really impressed you with their live show?

I don't play live. Maybe if I had a full band and we were doing something that was interesting enough that I felt would benefit from a performance, but otherwise, I'm not really into that. But I helped write and mix my buddy's band, Compress. I think they just came out with another demo not too long ago - it's like blackened d-beat/crust. I still don't really know what that means, but that's what he tells me that it is. Also, Asasara, which is this baller-ass Greco-metal. The lead guy, Niko, is probably the best guitarist I've ever played with. I used to play sweep-picking 300bpm bullshit, but if you can't jam, you're just rehearsing from muscle memory. Niko can actually jam, and his chops come out naturally. I'm hoping we can do something together at some point - maybe some Greco-Roman themed shit. I have no clue.

Do you have a favorite venue to play at?

Yeah, again. I don't play out. But I have done the sound tech for a few local venues and colleges.

Do you have a pre-show ritual?

Alright, so if I were to play live, I'd absolutely have a ritual. But that's because I view music as an "audio medium" and performance as a "visual." So I'd want to do something theatrical and interesting, rather than forcing people to spend money to come out to watch me hit my instruments around when they could do it in the comfort of their own house. I'd probably incorporate some folklore elements - mythological or otherwise. Ambience is incredibly important to playing. If the atmosphere isn't appropriate, I won't play. So I'd probably do something to command the environment to work in my favor.

What is your favorite thing about touring?

Nothing haha

What is your least favorite thing about touring?

Lugging everything around and not seeing my family or going to sleep in my own bed. I have crohn's, so eating garbage all the time also isn't appealing.

Is there a city that you love to hit while on tour?

I'd love to see Venice haha

A Fistful Of Questions With Adam R. Bryant
What's the weirdest experience you've had on the road?

Again, I don't play out. Wicked sorry, my friend.

The year is 2006.Where are you at and what are you listening to?

2006 was like sophomore year of high school for me, I think? So pretty sure I'm still obsessing over Tool, but newly discovering that I'm okay with "screaming" in music. So probably Opeth's Blackwater Park, Isis's entire discography, and then buying Wolves in the Throne Room's Celestial Lineage because of the album cover, but not mature enough to enjoy it yet until a few months later - then realizing that I'm actually a hyper-depressed teenager and listening to nothing but black metal for awhile.

What advice would you give young musicians that are just starting out in the music business?

Just remember to have fun. If it isn't fun, it's not worth it. It's a lot easier when you are doing it with someone who you are friends with rather than just finding someone who you think is good at an instrument. The chemistry needs to be there, otherwise it's going to feel like a task every time you do it. And don't try to be like another band. You don't need to obsess over gear because you are always going to sound like yourself no matter what you do, so as soon as you accept your own personal "sound," you'll do some awesome stuff.

What is an absolute band killer?

Chemistry or trying to sound like someone else. You risk pigeonholing yourself when you set your expectations too high. Stale bread will fill you up, but you won't want to keep eating it when there's carbonara.

Have you ever recorded a song that you really didn't like, but somebody else in the band really did?

I laughed after reading this. Yeah. Pretty much every time before Pando.

If you were to start your own music festival what would be the name of that festival and who would be the three headlining bands?

Uncle Donnie's Porkchop Sandwiches. It would be headlined by Okily Dokily, Brojob, and Behemoth.

What's the longest time you've gone without bathing?

Hiking through the White Mountains for a week. It was gnarly and I probably could have made fondue from my t-shirt sweat.

What's one thing that most people don't know about you?

I'm pretty open about most things. I think bluntness is one of my problems haha

Is the Fistful of DOOM show in the top 10 of your favorite music podcasts?

I don't listen to podcasts other than when my wife puts on Ologies and Wine and Crime. My ADHD doesn't award enough executive functioning to listen to people talk for that long. But do I get points if I say I support it?

Do unicorns sleep standing up?

Yes, but only because they are balanced by their cocks like a saw-horse.

Give me three albums that I should listen to immediately, if not sooner.

Sumac's The Healer - was not a huge Sumac fan until this album. Don't know why. It just resonates.

Locrian's End Terrain. It's like A24 black metal.

Cannibal Ox's The Cold Vein because it's a solid hip-hop album and still slaps.

You're driving cross-country and you can only listen to one album the whole time.What album will it be?

One of Sunn O)))'s albums because one chord will take up most of the trip. I won't notice any difference in sound until I stop to use the bathroom.

You are writing a book about your life thus far.What is the title of that book?

I'm actually in the middle of writing a book. Have been for over 5 years now. Not about my life though, it's a fantasy-horror novel? Avante-garde? Not really sure. It's called "With Teeth" though. Nothing to do with Nine Inch Nails or the Melvins though.

What is your favorite song by Taylor Swift?

"Don't Be Fooled By The Rocks That I Got." You know that one? It's the one with the chorus that goes, "B-A-N-A-N-A-S."

Slipknot or Rammstein (if you had to choose)?

Probably Slipknot. Rammstein is better, but the other half of me that's not Italian is Jewish and my grandfather would be upset.

Doobies or Boobies (if you had to pick one)?

What the fuck? Boobies. All day. Does someone else pick Doobies, really? Every gay guy I know would also pick boobies...I also should really clarify only my wife's boobies. Just in case she reads this.

Waffles or Pancakes (if you had to pick one)?

I'm not going to lie to you, this is the best interview I've ever had. Definitely pancakes. I live in New England.

Star Wars or Star Trek (if you had to choose)?

Sigh. I think years ago, I would have said Star Wars. But if I compare how many Star Wars things I like now with how much Star Wars there is, I don't think I'm actually a Star Wars fan. So I'm going to have to say Trek.

Favorite band t-shirt you own?

Okay, so...I own a Burzum shirt. My wife got it for me. She didn't realize the guy is a huge piece of shit. But it's big and comfortable, and my wife wears it to bed with her star of david necklace, so I feel better about it being in the house.

Favorite meal?

Damn. This is hard. I'm a really big foodie. I love cooking, it's honestly my favorite thing to do. Recently, I'm gonna have to say either saltimbocca (I prefer with chicken over veal), gnocchi alla sorrentina, or carbonara. I watched Luciano Monosilio make it and now I'm addicted.

Favorite book?

Also difficult. Joseph Campbell's Masks of God series is up there. Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou's God: An Anatomy was a recent great read. A lot of Alan Watts. I have a poetry book from Alda Merini I love and a re-print of Rosarium Philosophorum that I'm pretty proud of. My library's expansive because we read more than we do anything here. Blood Meridian is up there for fiction.

Favorite movie?

Yeah, super difficult question again. Egger's The Witch is an annual Halloween watch in the house. Ari Aster's Heriditary is top tier for me. Among older catalog stuff, Suspira is excellent, but so is the remake. The Wickerman from the 70s is scarred into my head. Coppola, obviously. Scorcese. Kurosawa, especially Dreams and Seven Samurai. Throne of Blood too. Tarkovsky. Bergman's up there. Arnofsky. Sorrentino.

Favorite album?

Again, impossible to pick. Swans "The Seer" was the background while I worked on the first several pages of my novel. Boris'sFlood" has gotten me through a lot of hard times. Coltrane's Love Supreme is a masterpiece, so is his Ballads album. The Wall and Animals go in my rotation enough times. Two Hunters by Wolves has a lot of emotional ties for me.

Favorite video game?

Nier: Automata. Didn't think I would be into it because I hate that JRPG aesthetic, but the philosophy nerd in me fell for it's charm. The Metal Gear series is up there. Final Fantasy. Alan Wake 2 lately and Balder's Gate 3. Elden Ring took up a lot of my time, and I sunk a disgusting amount of hours into Stardew Valley.

Favorite Professional Wrestler?

Not for me.

Many thanks to Adam for taking the time to answer my questions.I appreciate you doing so.As for the rest of you, take advantage of the link so generously provided below and wrap your ears around A Docket of Votive Offerings.You will be glad that you did.

~El Pedo Caliente (aka Uncle Jameson from the Fistful of DOOM show)


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